Page 91 of Rugged Heart
“I suppose you’re right. Lucky for us, we picked the perfect location for a tryst. I found a box of towels earlier.” One more press of his warm lips to mine before he slides out and gets down from the table.
“And water,” he continues, handing me a bottled water before twisting the top off his to swig a large mouthful. I take a second to admire his fit physique, still blown away at how I lucked out in snaring someone such as him. I marvel at his tan, broad shoulders and wide chest tapering down to a trim waist and, of course, his impressive, still semi-hard dick plus tree trunk thighs that were spread around me just minutes before. But it’s his personality and heart I love the most.
He slides on his boxers, covering what I love second, and finds the box with the towels in it, handing me one, his fingers not leaving mine.
“You’re gorgeous and I hate to cover you up, but if I know P, he’s gonna be looking for us. Or send someone else.”
This spurs me to hop down, do a quick clean-up, and slip my dress back on. I could possibly get used to this no bra and underwear thing, would make quickies so much easier.
Soon, Grey and I are dressed and presentable—can’t say the same for the room, but I’ll come back and clean it up later.
He holds his hand out for mine and draws me close, guiding my head up and back for a tender kiss. “Ready?”
“With you, I’m ready for anything.”
* * *
Wobbly from back-breaking sex,but incredibly happy, we slip from the small room and hold hands down the hall, dopey grins on both our faces.
The banquet room buzzes with activity, employees speaking with guests, no doubt assuring them everything is under control, and the band organizes their equipment on the stage for the second half of the evening.
We make our way back to the table—Preston and Savy appear relaxed, engaged in conversation with Rowan and Tia while Isaac and Lynn have their heads bent toward each other. Sliding into our seats undetected was the plan, however not reality.
“Where were you guys? I made Preston stay put when he wanted to call in the brigade. I assumed you two were okay.” Savy’s expression is obvious—she’s on to us.
“We found the champagne flutes, then got locked in a supply closet when the power went out.” I confess, watching Grey smirk around the rim of his water glass.
Savy leans into me, placing a hand on my arm, keeping her voice low, “I see you have, uh, come to your senses?”
Nodding with a grin, I let her fix some stray hairs on my head, knowing full well I still have “I got fucked twice” hair.
Greyson reaches out and links his fingers with mine, sending me a devastating wink before kissing the top of my hand.
“Guys, FYI, Scar and I are officially off the market, so no more dirty tricks. I’m talking to you, Savy. Go pull your shenanigans on someone else.”
She gives Greyson a vulgar gesture and we all laugh.
“You owe me twenty bucks,” Lynn pipes up, holding her hand out to Preston.
“I never said they wouldn’t get together—I just figured it would be a lot sooner.” Preston grumbles before whipping out his wallet and stuffing cash in her waiting palm.
“Semantics. Thanks, you just bought my next three coffees from Java Drip.”
“Like you need any more caffeine. We’re the ones with twin toddlers running around with no regard for their parents’ sleep.” Preston rolls his eyes before pulling Savy in for a kiss on her head. Fixing his eyes to me, he nods to Grey and me, settling back into his seat like all is right in the world.
“Congrats, you two. I promise Lynn was the only one I bet with, although most of us have been rooting for you to get together for a while. How did Theo take it?” he asks, as everyone turns their focus to us.
“We’re waiting until he gets home from camp,” Greyson says, placing his arms around me and I melt into his embrace meant for me all along.
“Ohh, so plenty of time for all the dirty, sweaty, loud sex you want before the little booger comes home and cockblocks the hell out of you two.” Lynn rubs her hands together as Isaac watches his wife in amusement. He’s smitten with her, stars in those warm caramel eyes as he observes her antics. Sitting forward, he brushes her curly red hair to the side and whispers something in her ear. Most definitely naughty by the way she bites her lip.
Greyson chuckles at my side. “She’s not wrong.” His breath fans my temple and my face heats, imagining it all.
Rowan snakes a hand around Greyson and pats me on the back. I lean around him to meet her knowing smirk.
“Keep me in mind when you need engagement photos.” She winks before turning to Tia.
The idea of Grey and I getting married one day doesn’t scare me. I’m ready for anything with him by my side.