Page 110 of If I Were Wind
He snorted. “If it walks like a dog, barks like a dog, and looks like a dog, it must be a dog.”
“Maybe you’re right.” Why did Lukas’s betrayal hurt so much? I didn’t know him. “The pain you feel, is it because of him?” I asked.
He nodded. “Another thing we kept secret was that we used to merge all the time, usually creating small animals.” A boyish grin relaxed his features. “The raven was our favourite, and a black cat. We used the cat form to sneak inside the kitchen and drive Ashcombe mad when things kept disappearing from his pantry. We explored the woods and the towns as a raven. When he left, the pain started. I didn’t have any other partner to fill the void. I was too afraid that a partner would catch a glimpse of the truth, that Lukas was alive and free and that Norma, Connor, and I helped him. You felt Lukas’s presence. Merging with you was too risky. I hoped you wouldn’t be able to sense him, but you did.” He tightened his grip on my hands. “Do you understand that Allen can sentence you to death? You, me, Norma, and Connor.”
I nodded. “I know.”
“And now it’s even worse.” He reclined his head and closed his eyes. “Lukas is a Nazi, selling Raven Park’s secrets to them. And I helped him. I’ll be hanged for that. It’s treason. But as long as you didn’t know, you were safe. That’s why I couldn’t tell you.”
I caressed his cheek as the aeroplane jerked a bit among the chatter of the French beasts. “Clare, she knows about Lukas, doesn’t she?” That explained the bits of conversation between Clare and Kenneth I’d caught in the park. They’d been discussing what Clare knew about Lukas’s death.
“She found out by chance. She saw me in the cemetery with Norma and Connor when we were looking for a body. She didn’t have any evidence, but her allegations would have put Norma, Connor, Lukas, and me in danger.” His shoulders stooped. “Connor kept an eye on Lukas, giving me news about his movements. When I met him in the cemetery, he told me that Lukas was a Nazi.” He rubbed his chest. “What a blow. Hell, I’m glad you know the truth. But on the other hand, I’m terrified. If Allen knows, if he suspects that you know. Keeping secrets is hard work.”
“How can we remain silent though? Allen must be informed that Lukas is helping the Nazis.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’ll deal with Allen, keeping you out of it.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Let me deal with the commander. Let me take care of this mess. It started with me, and I’ll end it.”
If by that he meant that I’d leave him alone to face Allen’s wrath, he was sorely mistaken. I’d do everything to keep him safe. His lips were so tempting that I inched closer. He bent forward, his scent teasing my nostrils. Lord, I wanted him so much it hurt.
“Excusez-moi, tourtereaux,” Pierre said, standing next to us and grinning so widely I could see his wisdom teeth. “I’m sorry to interrupt. You English show so little interest forl’art d'aimerthat I feel guilty stopping you.” He gave me a cheeky wink. “But we have a mission to accomplish.” In a flourish, he opened a map of Gleiwitz as Roy and I coughed discreetly. “In order to obtain the most effective result with the minimum effort, I think our best chance is to sabotage the tower of the radio station.” He showed us the tower on the map. “With the tower malfunctioning, the Nazi’s team won’t be able to broadcast their message and Hitler won’t have his excuse to invade Poland. Simple,n'est-ce pas?”
“Hitler will find another excuse,” I said.
“Oui,chérie, but he’ll need some time to plan, and we’ll be ready. This is an emergency. We didn’t have time to prepare a long-term strategy.”
I glowered at him. “Really? You didn’t believe us when we told you that Germany wanted a war.”
“C’est vrai.” He smiled, a hand on his chest. “A Frenchman always admits his mistakes. That’s why France is the best country in the world.”
Roy rolled his eyes. “And with the biggest ego.”
“Well, we can afford it.” Still grinning, Pierre folded the map. “Be ready to jump in half an hour.”
“Jump?” I perked up. “Jump where?”
“Mais oui. We can’t land there. Not enough space. We’ll use parachutes and land a few miles from the station to not attract attention. There are a few wires and cables we’ll need to cut, and my beasts will make sure we’re protected all the time. I’ll explain everything to you in a moment. We’re going to use those little jewels of the National Gendarmerie.” He waved a hand over his head, gesturing at where the parachute should be.
No bloody way.