Page 27 of If I Were Wind
As Doris skated after Gladys, I inched towards the edge of the lake where people sipped hot chocolate and mulled wine sitting on wooden benches. Street vendors yelled the prices of the hot drinks, and the scent of vanilla and cinnamon teased my nostrils. I let out a breath when I reached the shore.
I skidded to a precarious halt when I spotted Connor sipping a cup on a bench a few yards from me. He wasn’t wearing skates, and his sleek dark coat didn’t show any wet patches from a fall over the ice. The pallor of his skin and the dark shadows under his eyes spoke of a troubled night, like mine. Glancing around, I gave him a quick wave. He beamed and beckoned me closer.
“Kristin.” He stood up, a weak but genuine smile tugging at his lips.
Without removing my skates—my boots were who knew where—I walked over to him. “May I sit here? Or are you…you know, working?”
He chuckled. “Actually, I’m off duty. Even spies take holidays now and then. I’m relaxing and enjoying a good cuppa, like normal people for a change. Please, sit.” He patted the spot next to him.
“I’m trying to do the same, relaxing I mean.” I plonked down onto the bench, glad to be off the ice. I’d have more success if I skated with my claws. “Do you live nearby?”
“Milton Keynes.”
That explained why Roy had come here because he had to see Connor who lived nearby.
“Is everything all right?” he asked, narrowing his gaze on me. “Your expression changed in an instant.”
“Blimey, is it so evident how I feel?”
His smile didn’t hold any humour. “It’s part of a good spy’s job to understand a person’s mood.” He stared at his mug. “I’ve been told I’m rather good at that.” His grin was back. “So? What upsets you?”
“It’s Roy.” Brushing dry leaves from my coat, I pondered what I should tell him. But perhaps he would reveal something about his conversation with Roy if I opened myself up a little.
“What about him?” His mood changed as a shadow crossed over his face.
“We had an argument, and afterward he left without a word. I think something is bothering him, but he doesn’t want to talk to me.” I rubbed my cold hands. “I tried to let him talk, but he didn’t say a word. Do you know what’s bothering him? It seems something personal.”
Connor was human. Nevertheless, my beast reared her head when he slanted his head towards me, his scrutiny as sharp as a blade. “Did you merge with him yesterday?”
Dammit. Why had I thought I could trick a seasoned spy into telling me Roy’s secret? Why hadn’t I decided to shut up? My little plan had backfired. I coughed in my fist. “No, no. What are you talking about?” Ugh. I groaned at my own guilty tone.
A sigh blew out of him. “So, you merged and then? What happened?”
I rubbed the bridge of my nose. “I didn’t say anything.”
His eyebrows rose to his hairline. “It’s more what you didn’t say that gave you away.”
“Then I should go. Goodbye—” I went to stand, but he grabbed my arm.
“Something happened during the merging, didn’t it? You felt that something was wrong. He lowered his guard, and you slipped right through it, catching a glimpse of a presence.” He tilted his head. “Am I right?”
Lord, for the first time, I understood how dangerous and powerful Connor was. How good at his job. I pressed my lips together and didn’t say a word, although I was curious to know what he had to say about it. “Are you going to explain to me what that meant?” I whispered.
Connor put the cup down, concern creasing his brow. “Kristin, listen very carefully. Do not talk about you and Roy merging with anyone. For any reason. In fact, it’d be better if you didn’t merge with him at all again. Or be close to him.”
“Why? It’s not—”
He gripped my shoulders. “Your life and Roy’s life depend on your silence and your discretion.”
“What is it? I don’t understand. Why did he leave? Why was he so furious?”
“I like you, Kristin, but I don’t trust you.” He released my shoulders. “Nothing personal, you see. You don’t have the training or the stamina of a spy, and I’d rather be safe than sorry.”
“What happened to Roy?” Anger shook in my voice.
“I’m quite good at keeping secrets.” The hard lines of his face softened. “I’m afraid I can’t tell you anything more.”
There was no point in prodding him further. Connor wasn’t only a good spy, but also Roy’s friend. He wouldn’t betray his trust. And I wouldn’t get anything from him if I yelled at him. “Is there anything I can do to help him?”