Page 39 of If I Were Wind
“He said he has to think about it.”
She shot me a ‘don’t be daft’ glare. “That means thank you, but no, thank you.”
Perhaps. It wasn’t as if I had a lot of experience in dating. “That doesn’t mean he thinks you’re stupid. That’s ridiculous.”
“It’s not just that.” She fiddled with her napkin, her gaze drifting towards him. “I mean, look at him. He’s so handsome.”
I followed her gaze. Yes, Michael was easily one of the most handsome men in Raven Park. Roy’s features were too harsh to be considered classically beautiful. Sexy, yes, and handsome in a rough fashion. But Michael, with his large amber eyes, dark curls tumbling over his sharp cheeks, and straight nose, was Michelangelo’s David.
“I agree. And?” I asked.
She shrugged. “I’m pretty ordinary. Freckles, pale cheeks, narrow eyes, wide hips. He probably wants someone different. And I’ve got a flabby chin.” She touched her neck. “See? It’s gross.”
“Tosh. I don’t see anything. And you’re pretty. Do you want me to be brutally honest?”
“Please.” Her brows hit her hairline as she stilled, waiting for my answer.
“I think you’ve spent too much time ogling him, blushing, and stuttering nonsense when he’s around. You’ve barely talked to him. Now he doesn’t know what to think of you. If the two of you have a nice chat, I’m sure every misunderstanding will be solved.” I shouldn’t give romantic advice, considering my own miserable love life. Or lack thereof.
“Ladies,” Bruce said, standing next to our table, causing Peggy and me to jolt. Michael was next to him, a mischievous grin on his face. Blimey. I hadn’t heard them coming. “Enjoyed your meal?”
“Yes,” I said at the same time that Peggy said, “No.” She didn’t gaze at Michael, but found her dirty napkin suddenly fascinating. And she pulled up the neckline of her shirt to cover her chin.
“Stop it,” I whispered, touching her hand.
Sheer panic flickered on her face. She wasn’t following my advice, was she?
Bruce folded his arms over his chest. “Nathan asked us to spar with your beast. Be ready, Kristin.”
“There will be no mercy,” Michael said, imitating Bruce’s pose. “Would you want to come as well, Peggy?” he asked casually, angling towards her.
Seemingly on the point of bursting into tears, her eyes glistening, Peggy shook her head. “I have…have books to read.”
Michael frowned. “Books? What books?”
She let out a strangled sound, halfway between a moan and a snort. “With letters.”
Oh boy. I pinched the bridge of my nose.
Michael’s frown deepened. He opened his mouth, but then shut it, probably thinking that the conversation was pointless. “Well, enjoy your books with letters.”
Peggy mumbled something that could have been anything from ‘God save the King’ to ‘I’d like to kiss you.’
I frowned as well until Bruce clapped my shoulder hard enough to shove me.
“What the hell happened with Roy?” he whispered. “The entire manor is whispering about a fight between him and Nathan because you were shagging your partner in broad daylight, and Roy tried to kill him.”
An outraged gasp left me. My cheeks flamed. “I wasnotshagging anyone. We were hugging.” I shook my head. “No, not even that. We were—Oh, bother. We were simply close, and Roy…” Blazes. There was no way I could make Roy’s behaviour sound reasonable. “Roy wasn’t killing anyone. He gave Nathan a shove. That’s all.”
“Yes, because he already killed someone,” Michael said in his deep baritone, the amusement gone from his voice. “We all know he poses no danger for us.” Sarcasm dripped from his words.
“Shut that trap.” Bruce shoved him. “See you later, Kristin. I’m curious to see you and Nathan together.”
I groaned inwardly. After what had happened with Roy, I wasn’t so sure I wanted to be with Nathan.
“Oh, my goodness.” The moment Michael and Bruce were out of earshot, Peggy collapsed on the table, her face the colour of raspberries, which enhanced her freckles. “Did you hear me? Books with letters.” She hid her face in her hands.
“At least it was funny.” I pulled her hands down. “Don’t be discouraged. You have to relax. That’s all.”