Page 85 of If I Were Wind
“Maybe you should tell him what she did to you.”
He averted his gaze. “I should, shouldn’t I?”
“Only if you feel it’s the right thing to do for you.”
“I’ll think about it. Thank you for listening.” He hugged me.
No, he wasn’t like Roy, and I hoped he decided to talk, so that Clare’s crimes were brought to justice.
After he left, not in a better mood than ten minutes before, I rubbed my temple. Too many thoughts were giving me a headache.
The best way to keep dark thoughts at bay was to keep my hands busy. Since a spy had to be ready for anything, once in my bedroom, I decided to pack some light clothes and some heavy ones as well. The problem was where to put the cyanide pill. Maybe I should—
“Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.” Wheezing, Peggy strode inside the room, her cheeks the colour of plums, her legs trembling like those of a calf just born.
I straightened from my luggage. “What’s the matter?”
“I did it.” Her bottom lip quivered. “I really did it.” She pressed her back against the wall, as if expecting someone to barge inside the room to arrest her.
“What?” I took her hand and led her to the bed. “Sit down and tell me what’s going on. Does it have to do with Clare?”
She shook her head. Red tendrils of hair fell in disarray on her heated cheeks. “It’s been a month now that I’ve stopped taking the Eros. I had another shot last week, well, vitamins.” She lifted her trembling hand. “The lack of Eros started to affect me a few days ago.”
“Oh, no.” I sat next to her on the bed. “Do you feel sick? Do you want me to call the nurse?”
She shook her head again, pressing her lips to a white slash. “It’s my…my…”
I poured her a glass of water from the pitcher on the nightstand. “Here. Drink some.”
After swallowing half a glass, she drew in a breath. “It’s my libido. It’s going through the roof. I was right. The Eros keeps our sexual instincts under control.”
Blimey, what would happen then if Roy didn’t take the Eros? A little pleasant shiver tingled down my neck at the thought. “All right, but why are you so upset?”
She grabbed my shoulders. “I kissed Michael.”
I punched the air. “Yes. That’s fantas—”
“Terrible. I saw him in the corridor. He was going about his business, and I couldn’t stop myself. He said, ‘Hi.’ Something broke inside me. My instinct took over. I stalked him like a predator, my urge growing, until I trapped him into a corner and…and then I threw myself at him, wrapped my arms and legs around him, and kissed him senseless. Bit him. Half undressed him. Touched him.” She glanced at me, her eyelashes lowering over her red cheeks. “Everywhere.”
“That sounds intense.” Like something Roy would do. “What did Michael do?”
“I don’t know,” she shrieked loud enough to hurt my ears. “After I kissed him, I fled when my senses returned.”
“Did he kiss you back?”
Her chest heaved as she drank more water. “I’m not sure. I attacked him. But he didn’t push me away, and he might have kissed me back and moaned a couple of times.” She covered her face. “Don’t leave tomorrow. Stay here and help me hide somewhere.”
“Peggy, don’t be so dramatic. If Michael hadn’t wanted to be kissed by you, he would have stopped you.”
“I was completely wild. Out of control. Lord, it was glorious. I liked it so much.” Tears hang on her eyelashes. “He must hate me now.”
“I don’t believe that.” I put an arm around her shoulders. “Listen, take a hot bath, have a cup of tea, and everything will be better. Then tomorrow, you’ll talk with Michael and apologise.”
She nodded, wiping her face. “I think I’ll take a hot bath.”
I sagged on the bed. If only the same ritual could work with my mission.