Page 25 of Far From Home
Taking the e-reader from me, she set it out of the way before gently pressing her lips against mine. It was a familiar sensation, and yet, it was still enough to send a jolt of electricity all throughout my body. This was where I belonged.
Taylor was the one I was supposed to be with, and if given the chance, someone I’d love to introduce to my family.
I’d never intended on dating in the states for the same reasons Taylor had avoided me. It would be temporary unless we both gave it a go. Only now, I wished I would’ve given in to temptation a lot sooner.
We’d lost so much time because of our what-ifs and not knowing if I was good enough for her.
But now? Curled up on the sofa beside her with Taylor’s head resting on my shoulder?
“You’re enough for me,” I said, placing a hand on her arm when she draped it across my stomach.
“How do you mean?”
“If this is as far as we ever get, it’s enough. As long as I’m with you, nothing else matters.”
She smiled then, her soft exhale of breath tickling the side of my neck. “I couldn’t agree more.”
We spent the following week between our time at the cabin, staying up late, going to the house, as well as returning a few of Taylor’s gifts that were too big. The longer I stayed with her and her folks, the less homesick I became. I still would’ve liked to have spent the h
olidays with my family, but at least with Taylor around, I got to spend it with someone I truly cared about instead of hiding away inside our dorm on my own.
And you thought staying on campus would’ve been fine.
No, I thought it would’ve been easier, but I sure would’ve missed her.
Around her family, I actually felt like I belonged. I wasn’t just someone who dropped by for a visit. Whenever her folks spoke to her, they addressed the two of us. I’d never met a family like that outside of my own. It was refreshing and made me feel right at home.
“What about this one?” Taylor asked, holding up a plush winter coat. “You need something more than that sheet you’ve been wearing.”
“I’m adjusting.” It was still cold as hell, but at least the snow had stopped. We even had a path between the cabin and the main house from all the walking we’d done.
She wasn’t convinced. “You need something warm.” Then, placing her hands on her hips and doing the best impression of Sue that she could, she said, “If you get cold later on, don’t come crying to me.”
A smile crossed her lips as she put the coat back, taking my hand a moment later as we made our way out of the store.
It was the third one we’d visited this morning and the last one in the strip mall that had clothes my size, so we kept walking.
The cool breeze bit my cheeks which were probably bright red by now, but it barely registered when compared to Taylor’s fingers which were laced with my own.
It was amazing to think every interaction we had started with our hands. Her cupping my face. Holding hands. Placing one at the nape of my neck. They were small and seemingly meaningless gestures, but they all had the same effect. I couldn’t get enough of her. Not her voice, her smile, or the faint perfume she usually wore. I enjoyed her company, I loved it when she laughed, and there was something familiar about her that made me feel like myself.
It was something I hadn’t felt in a very long time.
Especially not since my trip to the states.
“Are you hungry?” Taylor’s brows rose above her eyes, which was her way of silently suggesting we stop and get something to eat.
“I could munch on something.”
Giving it some thought, and after eying the few eateries around us, we headed for a small Mexican restaurant. “After all of those leftovers, I’m dying for a taco.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. You sure love your food. “I do like the sound of the spicy chicken wrap.”
“Then it’s settled. Let’s eat.”
Practically dragging me into the establishment, we both placed our orders, got our food, then sat in a booth near one of the windows. As usual, Taylor scarfed down her food without giving it a second glance, which meant she was also staring at me as I continued to work on mine.
“Sorry,” I said as I wrapped up the rest of my food.