Page 24 of Changing Seasons
On my wayout of the office the other day, Jacolby and I ran smack into each other. My chest to her chest. The minute my body realized it was her hands on my chest as I helped stable her on wobbly legs my sensors went off. The feel of her touching her.
There was a time when she begged me to keep my hands to myself in public. Staring down into those auburn hazel eyes, I allowed myself to feel…just for a moment. All I needed was a moment. I just needed a minute.
Her in my arms.
I needed to feel my home.
The tremble of her bottom lip heated the blood flowing through my veins. My lips became envious of my thumb as I swiped back and forth on her lip. She exhaled and gave me her sweet minty breath, waiting for me to exchange my own with her.
“I-I’m so sorry.” She stepped back and I let her. Lately, I’ve been getting beside myself when it came to Jacolby.
Demanding things from her I shouldn’t but I honestly didn’t care how intense I came off. I decided that nothing was stopping me from going after her the way I wanted to. My repulsive behavior had me ready to jump head first into whatever direction her orbit was turning. It’s like I became a feign for her. Addicted to wanting more and more.
“Before we have the meeting, I wanted to give you a summary of everything I found. I just gave Kameron his copy too.” She kept clearing her throat and shifting on her heels. Lashes kissing her cheeks and eyes unable to look at me for a long period of time. With her fuchsia pants suit and matching suede pumps, my lady was sexy as hell. She wore her hair just like I liked it…like I liked her.
She handed me a folder and my thumb glided over the gold diamond-studded thumb ring.
“Your accountant Daley Forrester seems to have an outrageous spending habit. I was able to trace all of the money he stole. No one else helped him do it. Just him riding solo. I’m also going to install a new bookkeeping system that will prevent this from happening again and can have it programmed on all of your computers in the upcoming days.”
I’ve been waiting patiently for weeks to hear the confirmation come from her lips that Daley was behind all the missing money. I replayed how I’d beat the shit out of him, torture him, and might even go so far as taking his life for disrespecting my mother’s legacy. Standing in front of Jacolby, smelling her Good Girl perfume, watching her eyes become drunken orbs under my gaze. The way her breaths kept skipping, making her chest rise and fall.
None of that mattered.
I saw no one but her.
“Thank you, Junior. I appreciate everything. I’ll come by your office so we can go down for the meeting together. Let me put my things down and I’ll come to get you.” Ain’t no way in the world was I letting her walk these halls or allow these little horny little shits to speak to my woman.
Nah, I wasn’t letting that happen.
“Sure. I’ll be waiting.” She smiled but neither of us moved. Both standing in the middle of the hall transfixed on the other.
The blaring ring of my phone interrupted our moment. “See you in five minutes.” I winked pulling out my phone and heading to my office. Seeing my mother’s name instantly soured my mood. Along with praying for God to give me direction and clarity when it came to Jacolby I have also been praying for God to give me clarity and awareness when it came to my mother. The more I think back to the main reason why Jacolby and I ended in the first place my mother was the common denominator in every equation.
I hated how I let her toy with my mind and manipulate me. Hated how she used my loyalty to my family to get what she wanted. I don’t regret marrying Heather at all. I loved my wife. She and I shared some beautiful years together, but I can’t help but wonder what my life would’ve been like if I hadn’t been so easily influenced by my mother. That summer I became the same type of man I disliked – a pussy.
By the time Jacolby and I made it down to the sixth floor where the meeting was being held, we had two minutes to spare before it began. Jacolby and I sat on one side of the conference table waiting for everyone to take a seat.
“Don’t be nervous. I got you.” Placing my hand on her bouncing knee, her sharp inhale toyed with me in ways that weren’t appropriate for our current setting.
Instead of pushing my hand away, she placed hers over mine and held it there. “Thank you,” She whispered shyly. My chest grew tight, and the air became a little congested. I had to loosen my tie and crack my neck.
She had no idea the power she held in her small, soft hands. She had no idea that I’d fight every giant trying to step in her path. That I’d do any and everything needed to keep her mood light, glow bright, and smile wide. Her happiness and comfort have always been my top priority. I’ve always been protective over her but now that I felt this sense of urgency to claim her as mine again, I’d hate to have to go through extreme measures to teach a few lessons about what it means to not hurt the woman who owned me.
Kandon sat across from us with Kameron sitting at the head of the table. “It’s good to see you as always, Jacolby.”
“It’s good to see you too, Kandon. Hey, Kameron.”
“Don’t speak to them,” I grunted eyeing Daley whose eyes been dripping with lust making me want to snap his neck.
Snickering low for me to hear, out of my peripheral I noticed she had moved her chair behind me. The last thing she needed to feel was intimidated or scared. “Why are you hiding?”
Leaning in close until her lips were a brush away from my ear, she sealed her fate to me without even knowing. “I’m never hiding, Pi.” That nickname. My name sounded like warm drops of honey in the springtime coming from her lips. Thankful for the table shielding me, I adjusted the hardness growing against my thigh. “Me sitting behind you is me simply staying where I feel most safe – in the shade of your covering. The protection you offer me without even knowing.” She squeezed my hand under the table that still rested on her knee.
My repulsive nature entered the room. Catching her lips before she could take them away I teased us both with a quick peck. “I got you, baby.” I turned back towards the table all cool and relaxed while on the inside I was beating my chest like I was king of the world seeing how just that peck alone took her breath away and had her stuck.