Page 30 of Changing Seasons
I wonder what’s her story.
The only negativity came from Lonie, surprisingly. She kept her eyes on Drea who robbed me of my hand and refused to let it go. There were moments when I felt my spirit heighten whenever she closed her eyes and prayed silently.
Every so often London would mouth her apologies. She had nothing to apologize about. I came to discuss business, but I hoped I’d run into Drea. Just my luck I got that and so much more.
“London, I commend your dedication to helping our children, especially the minorities. Nutrients play a huge part in how we function. I’ll have Brooke send over a contract with all the details we agreed to. Welcome to Pi Finances.”
She squealed and danced around in her seat. Even her giggles were infectious. “Thank you so much. My best friend wanted me to hire his accountant, but I refused. When I heard you speak last year at the Black Girls Rock banquet, I knew you were who I needed. Thank you so much again.” She hugged me tightly.
We sat and chatted briefly when the doors opened and two skipping little girls came in followed by three handsome men. Drea immediately released my hand and smiled brightly. “Ladies, how are you?” This gentleman, in particular, had a long beard that reached his chest. His eyes zeroed in on Drea, holding an admiration and love that I envied. Taking a knee in front of her, he pulled her into his chest.
“Songbird, I missed you.” His deep voice caused me to blush, and he wasn’t even talking to me.
“Landon, I missed you as well. Have you eaten?” Her hands brushed across his cheek.
“Yes, baby. I bought your favorite.” He leaned in closer and rubbed his nose against hers causing her to giggle. I felt imposing of their moment, but I couldn’t turn away.
“How rude of us. Landon, please allow me to introduce you to Jacolby and Jalonie Jefferson.” She waved her hand in our direction.
“Nice to meet you, Landon.” He shook my hand.
“Hi.” I turned at the sound of the nervousness in Jalonie’s voice. Glancing up at the tall specimen of a god standing in front of her, I understood. I completely understood. This clean-cut man was good-looking, and by his hooded eyes, he felt the same about Jalonie.
“What’s your name?” Goodness. He sounded like pure lyrical sin.
“Ja…Jalonie.” I desperately wanted to take my phone out and record this moment of her bashfulness. Never have I seen my sister flustered or at the loss of words.
In all his swag and finesse, he kissed the back of her hand. “Nice to meet you, Jalonie. My name is, JD.”
“Lolo, are you done with your meeting? Papa said he’s taking us on a date and I’m hungry.” One of the little girls stood next to London tapping her foot with her arms crossed. Isn’t she a cute little thing?
“How about you all show Jalonie around the building while Jacolby and I chat. If that’s okay with you?” Drea smiled at me.
“That’s fine with me.” I turned to Lonie. “Are you okay with that?”
“She’ll be in good hands.” JD helped her out of her seat.
“Grab your purse, London. We’ll let Rico suave take her on a tour. Our reservation is in an hour.” All of us turned to the man leaning against the doorway. I don’t know how I missed him at all. From his tall, solid stature to those menacing brown eyes. Chills covered my arms and every hair on my body stood at attention while I swallowed the lump in my throat.
“Tai, can you grab my phone and charger, please? Melly, hand me that green folder.” London glided around her office in her heels, and he followed her every move. Protecting her, covering her. I had no idea who this man was, but I felt protected. He recked of danger but not a frightening danger. A danger that said he’d slaughter whomever he needed to if they hurt her. Seeing his features on the little girls' faces, I knew he slaughter anyone for them too.
“Thank you again, Jacolby. I’ll be in touch. Have a great evening and trip back.” Hugging her one last time, I watched as she approached the broadening man who made the color sky blue look royal on his honey oats skin. That stone glare he wore since he stepped in the door transformed into the warmest smile that made me gasp.
A beautiful man with a smile of pearly whites to match.
Hooking his arm around her shoulder, he pulled her to his side placing kisses all over her cheek until she giggled swatting his chest. “Cassian, stop playing. Girls, come on before Papa gets moody.” Those two little ladies waved bye and skipped off behind them.
London had a beautiful family.
“Nice to meet you, Jacolby and Jalonie. I’ll be in my office, Songbird.” Landon must’ve forgotten my presence in the room. He latched onto her lips and sucked the bone marrow out of her body. Sweet baby Jesus.
The minute I heard her moan, I cleared my throat. She jumped and looked at me with embarrassment.
“Landon, I’ve told you numerous times about that.” She swatted at his chest. He paid her no mind. He continued to nibble on her lips and run his hands through her short coils. “Landon,” She begged.
He took a step back. The hunger in his eyes…goodness. “My bad, baby. Enjoy your little pow-wow. I’ll be back.” Against her soft pleas, he swallowed her entire face one last time.