Page 38 of Changing Seasons
“Um, sure, but why?”
A playful smile tugged at his lips. “Why do you need a reason to be celebrated? Every day that you wake up with breath in your lungs and mobility of your limbs, you should celebrate yourself for knowing that God’s work isn’t done, and your story is still being written.”
Unable to hide it anymore, I unwrapped the napkin and dabbed my brow and top lip. “Jesus, be a fence,” I mumbled to myself. He chuckled and I prayed I put on enough deodorant.
We placed our orders and he sat staring at me. Burning a hole into my soul with no apologies. “You’re uncomfortable. It’s cute but I won’t apologize for causing it. Before you saw me you assumed Andrea went out of her way to uplift your spirit. My gesture of appreciating you as a beautiful woman is nice, but none of this, including the words of that poem, should be the cause of confidence awakening inside of you. Beyond the wild hair and closet full of colorful garments, you lack confidence in the image of you. I watched you from the moment you got out of the truck to you standing before me. From across the room I felt your confidence. The smile on your face made me smile. You knew that you were dining alone in front of all these people and managed to push that to the side and decided to enjoy yourself. Tonight, we celebrate you. I give you my time, my attention, and my mind. I’m at your disposal. Oh, and before you take this the wrong way, think of this as an elaborate way of me welcoming you back into the family.” He winked while I struggled to breathe.
I did what he said - I used him. I talked and talked. Laughed and laughed. Shared my most embarrassing stories. Confessed my odd obsession with smelling laundry detergent. Quincey made it clear that we weren’t going to talk about anything negative, so that tabled his mom for another day. When it was time for dessert, he didn’t judge me and insisted that I order until my heart was content.
“Thank you so much for this evening, Quincey. Having you here means a lot.” He and I were standing outside the restaurant waiting for the driver to pull up.
“I told you, Jacolby. You’re a friend of mine that I plan to help heal and restore herself to its full potential. My brother needs you and you need him. If I’m to be used to clear the debris standing in the way of y’alls reunion, then I’ll do whatever I can to shovel it away.” I swear I was having a hard time keeping my thoughts on the straight and narrow looking at this man. Hearing his words and knowing his actions matched.
Tilting his head, his lips curled into a half-smile. Goodness. “Let the attraction you have for me remain innocent, Jacolby. You’re not the woman created from my rib. We both know who you belong to and he’s feeling the emptiness of not having you. The bones of my bones, the flesh of my flesh. It all belongs to the woman who was created for me. Who I am to you? I’m your friend. Your Protector. Your brother. Your guide to seeking higher.”
I have never been rejected so gracefully. “Thank you, Quincey.”
“Jacolby? Junior, is that you?” The devil sure was busy. Quincey and I turned to see my ex-fiancée, Mario Long. My regretted mistake that my shameful alter ego Susan made.
“Hi, Mario. How are you?” Time certainly aged him. What did I ever see in this man? His teeth looked like they hadn't been brushed in years. Hair uncombed. Clothes wrinkled.
“I’m amazing.” Alcohol and stale cigarettes smacked my face.
“Great. Have a good evening.”
He took a step toward me. Quincey placed a protective hand on my hip and pulled me behind him. “Enjoy your night.”
Mario’s gaze shifted between Quincey and me. “This is my replacement? Take it from me, man. She’s better at numbers than satisfying your needs.” He has some nerve. I faked my orgasms every time we had sex.
The audacity.
“The divine who devours. Deep inside of her lies serenity. A gift from the heavens. She embraces the power of the universe. Through her majestic earthiness. A sweet delicacy she is. A tender love she gives. Have a good night.” Mario and I stared at Quincey. What planet did this man come from? Out here quoting poems by Janay.
In my mind, this moment went differently. Mario and I hadn’t seen each other since I broke off our engagement. Long ago I thought Mario might be the one. I liked him. After experiencing Paxton’s love, I didn’t think I could ever find another and all the men I dated showed that he was that one in a million, so I settled with Mario. Eight months into our relationship he proposed. Mario treated me good and my parents seemed to like him. Can’t count Jalonie since she hasn’t liked any of the men I dated since Paxton.
Six weeks before our wedding I received the prenuptial agreement his lawyer prepared. My Father had already suggested it and to be honest I felt like I needed that security…just in case. Reading the papers I became angry and fought the urge to vomit. For whatever reason, if our marriage ended, he’d received seventy-five percent of my assets including my 401k, offshore savings accounts that I had no clue he knew about, and my trust fund. Land my family owned for generations that were gifted to me by my great-grandfather on my sixteenth birthday. Everything my family and I worked hard for Mario would get a share…even in the event of his infidelity.
Enraged, I drove over to his house to confront him. Opening the door to his bedroom, I found him and his ‘distant’ cousin in a very compromising position. Basking in their bliss, they never heard or saw me standing by the door. Tears burned my eyes as I listened to them brag about his win for marrying a smart dummy.
He bragged about a large amount of money I’d be coming in contact with once I accepted the position with Johnson Hodges Investments. A position that I knew nothing about. He called me a smart dummy, but he still hadn’t deciphered the difference between my name and my dad’s. Senior was offered the Vice President position, not me. Unable to hold it in any longer, I threw up. Like the pitiful dog he was, he begged and begged for me to take him back. I ran out of his house and drove full speed into the arms of my daddy.
I was more upset that he tried to play me like that. Even more upset because had Paxton not been so bullheaded, I wouldn’t have been out here in the world trying to find his replacement.
I expected Drea and London to be sleep when we got back. Music and laughter were heard as we walked through the door. They were seated at my dining table playing cards.
“How was your night?” London skipped over questioning.
“Are you mad at me?” Drea pulled me into her arms.
“Absolutely not. You two are gems. Thank you so much.”
“London, excuse yourself from your friends and come outside.” Oh, my stars. That darn Quincey and his demanding ways.
Rolling her eyes, she continued talking to me like this man wasn’t standing here breathing down her neck. Afraid I’d get in trouble for talking, I shut my mouth and kept my eyes on Drea who shared the same amusement. “Tomorrow we should go shopping and get massages. I really need a pedi…”
“London, you heard what I said.” He and London stood in a tense standoff.
London didn’t like to listen and clearly liked pushing his buttons. She folded her arms and her eyes turned to slits. Drea went back to playing cards but I couldn’t. I needed to see who would fold first. Quincey narrowed his eyes and took in her appearance from head to toe not once hiding his appreciation by licking his lips. In two large strides he stood in front of her. Placing his hands in his pockets, he leaned down and began whispering in her ear.