Page 44 of Changing Seasons
My lashes fluttered until they closed. Behind my lids a very vivid cinema played our best erotic moments. Slaughtering the last of my willpower, his lips kissed along my ear. “Jacolby, peak one. Jefferson, peak two. Junior, peak three. Never thought spelling out your name would bring such pleasure, did you? You think we can get to Junior without you tapping out?”
Hell no we couldn’t because I had already reached peak one, on the verge of peak two, and he hasn’t penetrated my body.
In a desperate plea for him to show me mercy, my fingers wrapped around his bicep. “Paxton.”
“Yes, baby.” He nibbled on her earlobe, forcing my hardened nipples to point towards my ceiling and my back to arch.
“Feed me.”
His hands stopped mid-stride at the top bottoms of my blouse when my stomach growled.
He leaned back and glared at the grin on my face. “That’s what you meant? You're hungry?” It was so hard not to laugh in his face. I went from starving for his body to starving for food.
With a sinister grin on my face, I nodded. “Yes, feed me. I’m hungry. Come on.”
He dropped my foot and stood up showing that heavy awakened muscle on his thigh. “You’re really hungry? For food?”
I tried not to laugh but my giggles turned into uncontrollable snorts. “Yes, and I want to share my taco with you. Eat with me.” I patted the space he once sat on.
“Ain’t none of this funny. My hands haven’t touched a woman in years, and the minute I felt like releasing my savage, you wanna play me,” he grumbled. Confident and just too damn sexy for his own good, Paxton used both hands to adjust that thick muscle in his pants. “Admit it, Jacolby. Admit the tattoo is for me.” His husky voice and low eyes, hands gripping his muscle, I thoroughly enjoyed his teasing show.
Lifting my foot until I felt his hardness under my toes, I coed, “I’ll tell you if you eat with me.”
Dropping his hands, his eyes were glued to my feet massaging his thickness. “You can have anything that you want.” The deeper his voice deepened the more my nipples hardened. My chocolate pebbles ached so deliciously painful in need of a touch…his touch.
“Yes, I admit that my tattoo is for you.” I told him the truth so why wasn’t he playing fair? There’s no reason why his lips felt this damn good kissing my toes. “Paxtonnnn.” I was trying to be good. All I wanted to do was tease him a little. Show him what he’s been missing and now I was sitting here with soaked panties and vagina blue balls.
“Thank you, baby.” Gently he placed my foot back on the sofa and snatched my bag of food. “Tell me about your trip to Miami.”
And just like that we somehow managed to drift back in time and have one of our long nights of talking. Our sexual energy continued to surge around us, but he and I were so focused on talking to each other. Getting to know each other again that we ignored it and focused on everything else.
We allowed ourselves to relax, to feel, to start over.
I felt the happiest I’ve been in a long time…in years. I smiled. Laughed until tears rolled down my face. Not the tears I’m used to crying over living in a state of confusion and sadness. These were tears of happiness and joy. Bonding with Paxton felt like old times.
“Word on the street is that you’re being honored at this year's Black Women in Finance ceremony. Are you excited?” He’d just finished tossing our trash, helping me stand as we moved towards my door.
Playing coy about another award, I shrugged. “I’m excited. Only part I’m nervous about is what Jalonie will have me dressed in. She asked to be my stylist and I foolishly agreed.” He and I shared a laugh while I battled with the idea of asking if he wanted to be my date.
“I’m sure she’s going to have you styling and profiling.” His wink made my heart summersault in my chest.
“Thank you for having dinner with me, Paxton. I appreciate it.”
He and I stood under my porch light by my front door. His eyes begged me for more and I’m sure mine was mirroring his hunger, if not more. “Thank you for allowing me to share your space. I enjoyed myself.” He ran a knuckle down my cheek.
Leaning into his touch my eyes closed as he pulled me into his chest by my waist. “Paxton…” I moaned out. There was only so much self-control I had.
“Jacolby.” My ears became obsessed with the way he said my name. “Good night,” he mumbled against my lips. Done playing these games, I bunched the sides of his shirt into a tight fist and took what I wanted – his lips.
A kiss.
Our lips mushed together was enough. Right now I didn’t need to feel his tongue exploring my mouth. Or my tongue and lips sucking his until nirvana swelled my brain. I couldn’t handle tasting his flavor only to have to pull back and watch him leave. This was enough for this moment.
Our first kiss was enough.
“Good night, Paxton.”