Page 32 of Dirty Vengeance (Micheli Mafia 2)
He paces around the living room in a foul mood at the thought of my family making his look sleazy and my brother hit their mark if their intent was to get under his skin. Apparently the Michelis are just as proud of their family name and he returns to me, sitting on the bar stool next to mine where I remain tied.
“After some thought on this, I don’t want to piss someone off by stepping on their trafficking toes. Those human traffickers are ruthless and can’t be trusted. But at the same time, I can’t have them blame my family for it so I will help you find your friend. I assume one of those IDs has her real picture on it.”
“It’s in the wooden box in my suitcase.”
“I’ll have the guys pull it and see what I can find out,” he says as he stands up to leave. “Can we agree to a truce? A six-month truce where we work together and form an alliance?”
“Yes, you have my word. Ask around, it’s golden.”
“I will, and it better be all that and more,” he threatens as he turns and leaves so quickly.
I second guess myself that he was just here, in front of me, smelling like summertime and juniper trees and that I’m not delusional.
I’m stuck here and like a teenager with a first crush, I’m upset he left so quickly. Suddenly the room feels empty without him.
The sun dipsbelow the hillside before Sal returns. “You’ll be locked in your room at night, no weapons until you need them, and no burner phone . . . for now.”
It’s to be expected. “Fine.”
My concession is not from weakness, these parameters are necessary if we are to work together. He wants to get the Albanians pushed back and I want to find my friend.
“It’s agreed then. If you pull anything, I won’t hesitate to kill you. I despised your father and if you are anything like him, you are not long in this world.” The blackness I find in his eyes shows me he is dead serious.
And I wouldn’t want it any other way. I’d do the same if I were him.
“Well, I hated him too and I’m not like him. You’ll see.” I plant the thought that I might be a better person than he thinks. Mostly because I am.
I don’t mention the fact that my brothers are despicable, I’ll save that for later. Being useful means I have information he needs. And the longer he needs me, the longer I have to find Sofia and stay alive.
Sal nods to Matteo and I’m cut out of my restraints.
I rub my wrists and stretch my legs but feel naked without my knives and guns. Sal probably locked them away.
Meanwhile, I’m guessing at how long it will be before my family realizes I’m not in Sicily. And how long before they question what I’m really up to. Sitting here for so long I’m beginning to think Fausto set me up.
Maybe he wanted me to kill Sal or Dante and save him the trouble. Or worse yet, start a war the Michelis have been staving off for years.
Sal motions for me to follow him into the kitchen and asks, “When you were at the gala, did you see your half-sister?”
“Yes, I did. I heard a rumor after Dad died. He had other women all the time, so I’m not surprised. She’s pretty and looks happy with Dante.” My voice lacks emotion. I didn’t plan to meet her or get to know these people, but now I’m thrown into dealing with the reality of family, blood, honor, and possible deceit.
“Yeah, yeah, they’re engaged too. She’s sweet—you’ll like her, I’m sure.”
I’m not comfortable thinking about more family, and I’m exhausted from it and struggling to keep my eyes open.
Sal moves around the kitchen pulling food out of the refrigerator.
“Are you making dinner? Because I need lots of protein and I’m starving. That might be why I’m suddenly so tired.”
His looks to me and I swear there was an inkling of concern in his eyes. He shifts his gaze to Matteo with instructions to go to the butcher and pick up some steaks, and shish kebab with beef, lamb, and chicken.
I don’t know what has me drooling more, Sal in the kitchen with his dark blue dress shirt rolled up to his elbows or the fact that I’ll finally be able to eat real food for the first time since lunch.
My stiff muscles buckle in protest from lack of exercise and proper nutrition so a steak is a good start.
Now that I’m in the Micheli camp, I have to work with the enemy of my family no matter how confusing this is. I’m torn between my family that doesn’t want me and one that does. I need to be focused on my new mission. It’s time to find Sofia and what my family is up too. But first I need some answers.