Page 16 of Cursed
I fold my arms over my chest as we start to head down the coast. When he pulls up outside of the Mystery Cabin, I’m a little surprised.
Maybe this won’t be that scary.
Teller greets us as we pull up, and I wave at him as I hop out.
“Hey, you two,” he greets us and I stand closer to him.
Gavin rolls his eyes at me, and Teller just grins.
“Ready to go?”
“Go where?” I ask.
“Zip-lining,” Teller says as he starts to walk toward the woods.
I glare at Gavin, and he grabs my hand and pulls me along after him.
The zip-lining course at the Mystery Cabin isn’t very big or very tall and I let out a deep breath as Teller hooks Gavin and me into harnesses and goes over the rules.
“So, you just walk off the platform. You want to get a good push so that you don’t get stuck halfway across. Then once you’re close to the other side, you tug on this strap to slow down. I’ll be over there to catch you,” Teller assures me, and I nod.
“We got this,” Gavin says, and the guys fist bump before Teller heads off down the line to the next platform.
“I hate you,” I tell him, and he smirks at me.
“So, you want me to go first then?”
“Not a chance.”
He laughs as I get a running start and push off of the platform. I suck in a breath as I go weightless but the harness catches me and soon I’m flying through the air. I laugh as I get halfway, and I can see Gavin cheering from behind me.
I look forward and realize that I’m close to Teller, so I tug on the strap. Teller catches me as I come to a stop and he high-fives me.
“How was that?” he asks.
“So cool,” I tell him, a wide grin stretching my lips.
I never thought that I would do anything like that. How could I when I was cursed? I’m glad that I did though.
I turn to watch Gavin go next, and soon we’re both laughing on the other platform.
“Ready to do the next one?” Teller asks as he moves the lines to the next run.
“Sure,” I say, and Teller hooks his own harness up and takes off.
“Not so scary, huh?” Gavin asks, and I shrug.
“No, I guess not.”
“Still think that you’re cursed.”
“Yep. That was just one time. It could happen next time.”
“Something bad could happen to anyone next time,” he tells me, and I look away from him.
I think that he’s right…
I don’t tell him that. Instead, I wait for Teller to signal me and then I take off, flying through the air again.