Page 23 of Cursed
“Areyou going to stick around then? You’re more than welcome to stay with us!” Madelyn says as we head down the street.
“Yeah, I think so,” I say, biting back a grin as Flynn backs up out of the driveway.
We’re headed to Prim + Proper for a tasting. Hudson, Lyla’s boyfriend and the owner of Prim + Proper is opening a new place in the next town over, Lilac Harbor, and he’s settled on a menu that he wants everyone to try out.
I was a bit surprised that I was invited since I’ve only been in town for a little over a week, but Lyla insisted. It seems that I’m one of the gang already.
I can’t deny that I love that.
I have friends for the first time in what feels like forever.
I never really opened up to Madelyn or Flynn in college. I was always too busy working or studying to really put too much effort into friendships. Or that’s what I told myself anyway.
The truth is that I was embarrassed. I was a curse, something bad. Even my own parents couldn’t stand me. How did I expect anyone else to?
Now I see how wrong that was. I’ve opened up a lot to my new friends here, and it’s safe to say that they all hate my family. We got drunk one night, minus Iris since she’s pregnant, and talked about our families. It was interesting to hear about Lyla and her mom and stepfamily. She doesn’t talk to them now after the way that they treated her and I can’t say that I blame her.
She’s been encouraging me to go no-contact with my family too, and I have to agree with her. These past ten days have been the best in my life. I feel more relaxed and happier than I can ever remember.
I’m sure that a big part of that is Gavin. We spend every spare second that we can with each other.
He got the other part for my car, and I helped him install it. Then I told him that he looked hot all covered in grease and he proceeded to fuck me in the back seat of my car. It was a bit of a tight fit, but neither one of us was complaining.
He’s meeting us at Prim + Proper and I can’t wait to see him again. We grabbed lunch yesterday, so it’s been almost twenty-four hours. This is the longest that we’ve gone since I first got to town, and I don’t like it.
He’s like a drug to me now. I need my sexy mechanic fix.
“Are you going to try to paint here? Or we could take a day trip to Sault Ste. Marie for the craft show one weekend or something,” Madelyn offers and I nod.
“I’m not sure what I’ll do yet. Iris was telling me about some craft and market type sales down in Mackinaw too, so maybe I’ll check those out too.”
“You should do classes,” Flynn says, and I turn to see him grinning at his own idea.
“Art classes?” I ask.
He nods. “Yeah, there’s not much like that up here. I bet parents would pay you to do like a weekly class or something, especially during the summer.”
“Yeah, he’s right. You could make a killing,” Madelyn says.
I blink. I’ve never thought about teaching. I was worried about getting close to kids and cursing them, but now that Flynn mentions it, maybe it is a good idea.
“I’ll think about it,” I say as we pull up outside of Prim + Proper.
Gavin is already outside, talking to Sutton and Teller, and I wave as I climb out of the back seat.
“Hey. Missed you,” he says.
I grin. “Missed you too.”
He brushes a kiss against my lips, and I smile.
“You’re in a good mood,” Gavin comments, and I nod.
“Flynn just gave me an idea.”