Page 52 of I Can Fix That
“It’s been a long week, huh?”
“Has it? I hadn’t noticed.” As the last word slipped out of my mouth, Grant immediately had his hands in my hair and his lips on mine.
I groaned against his mouth, missing his contact this last week had me riled up. His fingers tangled in my brown hair and his abdomen had me pressed against the counter. His kisses typically were soft, sweet, and sensual. He always took his time with me, making sure I wasn’t leaving any time soon.
Tonight he took me fearlessly, as if last week had starved him as much as it did me. He moved his hands from my hair down to my waist and pulled me up, placing me on the counter. I should be thinking about the job site dust all over my clean black leggings, but instead, my mind is one hundred percent focused on his body pressed against mine. My shaky hands reached up to his chest.
“What’s got you shaking like a leaf, honey?” He knew the answer. Him in these stupid pants and work boots had got me so riled up I might be blind by the time this was over.
He pressed his hands against my ass and squeezed “Mmm. I missed this, Hart. You can’t tell me you weren’t thinking about us every night this week.” I wished I could say I only thought about him at night, but the truth was he was embedded in my mind twenty-four-seven this last week.
Folding laundry, I thought about Grant.
Coffee with Ashley, I thought about Grant.
Making dinner, I thought about Grant.
The list could go on and on.
“Every morning when I woke up too.” The confession slipped out as he smiled against me and I decided to try to put my anxiety behind me.
“We can’t do this here. What if Beau comes back?” Grant ignored my comment and pulled me closer to him anyway.
“He knew what he was doing by inviting you here when I was the only one left. If he walked in here at this point, he has it coming.” I want to disagree and argue with him, or to tell myself this is temporary and we can’t be together. We shouldn’t be together.
However, my body was moving faster than my mind could work and I was fully prepared to tell my brain to shut it for the next half hour.
Grant took off his shirt, and I was treated to a glimpse of his wide chest. I grabbed onto his shoulders and pulled him closer, if even possible.
“Grant.” I breathed out my nose, gripping him as tight as I could. I leaned back too far and accidentally shoved his tool box to the ground. It fell with a loud clatter and tools spread across the floors. He chuckled lightly, both hands on my waist, and muttered out my favorite saying of his.
“I can fix that.”