Page 16 of Of Fae and Hate
Daytwoofthe academy is a complete different shift of classes and already it's going better than day one.
Clemmen is in my first class.
There aren’t assigned seats in this class so we sit next to each other in the middle of the room. She hikes her legs up, propping her boot clad feet onto my desk. Some kind of way she manages to recline with her elbows propped on the back of her chair and the desk without falling.
It looks like it takes a bunch of skill.
I’d definitely fall right out of my seat and embarrass myself if I tried.
She inclines her head to the side, blowing a green bubble of gum. It bursts, clinging to her lips before she pulls it back in and smacks on it.
I raise a brow, noting how already I feel some kind of commodore with her, despite only knowing her for a couple of days. Usually, it takes me a long time to become friends with people and even then I never feel quite comfortable.
I’ve always chalked it up to the fact that I’ve gone to human schools my whole life. While I don’t actually have any powers or present as a fae, growing up knowing that there was a whole nother species out in the universe that no else around me knew about…
It’d made for a distinct disconnect from everyone else.
But Clemmen… I like her.
Not long after I’d gotten back to the dorms yesterday, she’d marched into my room and let me know that she gave Soskia a piece of her mind for me.
It’d definitely warmed my chest in a way that I hate to admit. It’s the first time I’ve had someone to stick up for me and she barely even knows me.
Her no shit attitude calls to my own. Just the way she clarified what she wanted people to call her made her capture my attention.
She catches my eyes on her and her lips pull up into a lazy smile before she blows another bubble. I watch the green little bubble, wondering what flavor it is.
An abrupt tingle starts along my skin and my head snaps up on instinct. My eyes move to the doorway, finding my personal stalker, Brynsyn standing in the doorway. No, not standing, but leaning against the frame as if he owns the right to give passageway into the classroom.
His dark hair is wet, drops dripping onto his skin, which is exposed because the guy is only wearing a leather jacket, no shirt again. My eyes track down his body and I have to admire the tight, toned abs that I see. A pair of jeans hang off of his hips.
When my gaze moves back up to his face, he’s grinning. He shoots me a wink and I feel my skin heat up.
I like this Brynsyn guy and I know nothing about him.
Nothing but that I need to stay away from him.
Because I get the distinct feeling that the guy could take me on a trip that would completely ruin my life and I’d enjoy the entire ride.
I lick my lips and his eyes follow the movement so closely that I can’t help but to shift slightly in my seat.
A figure appears behind him and I blink as Brynsyn is abruptly shoved forward. I narrow my eyes when I recognize the icy vampire from my other class. His lips are pulled downward into a tight frown and his eyes are cold. He doesn’t even glance at Brynsyn after he shoves him.
I watch closely, wondering if a fight is going to break out because surely Brynsyn can’t just let the vamp get away with such blatant disrespect.
But Brynsyn only peers over at the vampire before letting out a chuckle as if they’re besties, just joking around. The vamp’s demeanor doesn’t change one bit. Instead, he marches to the back of the classroom and drops into a seat, slinging his bag onto the ground and folding his arms over his chest.
He looks up, his eyes locking onto me. If possible, his lips twist into a harsher frown.
I wiggle my fingers at him, satisfaction moving through me when I see the muscle that jumps in his jaw.
Something brushes along my shoulder and I turn around in time to see Brynsyn walking past me, heading toward the seat in the back next to the vamp. The second he’s firmly into the seat, he turns and says something too low for me to hear, but from the way the vamp’s hand locks onto his desk, crushing it, I can assume it’s nothing he likes.
“I wouldn’t mind getting between those two,” Celemmen says and when I turn to look at her, her attention is also on the back of the classroom. She doesn’t bother to keep her voice low.
Brynsyn lets out a chuckle, “Let me know the day and time, Clemmsies.” He gives her a wink. She grins at him.