Page 54 of Of Fae and Hate
I take one more look at the packet before looking over at Fox, finding him watching me now.
With a sigh, I make up my mind.
Looks like I’m going to owe Cerus Fox.
“Is she good to go?” I ask Alik, not bothering to hide my irritation as I look over at Neryssa. Her limp seems to be even more prominent than usual today and the black glove on her injured hand sticks out like a sore thumb, no pun intended.
There’s bags under her eyes and she’s leaning against the wall like it’s the only thing keeping her standing.
“She’s fine,” Alik grits out but when he turns, sparing Neryssa a cautious look, I know he isn’t so sure of his words.
I shake my head. “I don’t need her, I can do this myself.”
“No, you need to be there to distract the members of the Kylu house from noticing that Neryssa has gone into the attic.” Brynsyn steps up next to Alik, the sun shining down onto the dark strands of his hair. “If it’s just you, they’ll notice when you disappear. It’ll be easier for Neryssa to slip out while the Kylu girls talk you up.”
I grit my teeth, knowing he’s right.
The Kylu X house is hard to get into on any given day and with no parties coming up, we knew we’d have to find a way for one of us to get inside. Me lying and saying I was interested in joining the little society club had been the only option to get in quickly. And I’d told them Nerrysa was interested in joining as well, pretending as if we were suddenly best friends despite the fact that the whole school had been witness to our debacle.
The Kylu girls hadn’t even hesitated though. They’d been trying to get me to join even before I came to the academy and Neryssa’s last name is enough to have them salivating at the possibility of getting her inside as well.
I spare another glance at Neryssa.
“I’m fine,” she says, her voice a bit gruffer than usual. There’s definitely irritation in her voice and I take that as a good sign.
She’s been meek all week.
“Fine, let's get this over with.” I gesture for her to follow me.
She grumbles something out, but I’m more focused on the fact that she’s limping even more prominently now.
“Did you do something else to your knee?” I ask her, frowning.
Her limp had just started becoming barely noticeable. I don’t know if the skin had healed up completely, but I’d gotten the impression that it was close to being back to normal.
She lets out another low, grumpy grumble.
I raise a brow at her. “What was that?”
“I said the potion stopped working a couple days ago.”
I purse my lips, shaking my head. “Does Brynsyn know?” I already know the answer because the witch has been in fix it mode ever since last week, trying to take care of Neryssa. I don’t know why he’s going out of his way considering he barely even knows her.
Despite his long list of conquests, Brynsyn is a loner. There’s something a little dark to the guy that warns you to run the other way. I’ve heard stories of all the people who were a little off in the head after sleeping with him.
It makes me wonder if Neryssa’s bad luck started in the attic that night after she’d clearly been fooling around with Fox and Brynsyn.
I’d been shocked at first and then I’d been riveted, my eyes glued to the three of them. Brynsyn hadn’t held the slightest touch of modesty at his nakedness. Fox was doing a shitty job of hiding Neryssa’s body and it's been hard to look away from her hard nipples pressing against her thin top.
When my eyes had landed on the dark spot on her panties, I’d felt my pulse spike.
And then Brynsyn had extended his offer for us to join them.
If it weren’t for the sound coming from the attic, I don’t know what would have actually happened next.
The most I’ve ever done is had a threesome before, I’ve never considered sleeping with more than two people at once. It seems too messy and frankly there aren’t too many people that I can stand long enough to sleep with, so my options are limited anyway.
“I told him that it’s still working,” Neryssa says, bringing my attention back to her. “I’m sick of him fussing over me.”