Page 45 of Relapse
“Sounds like a plan to me.” His words don’t exactly sound sure, but maybe I’m reading too much into it.
Still, I decide changing the subject is the best course of action. “Do you want some?” I ask gesturing to the food.
For a moment he just watches me before nodding. He takes a fry but his gaze remains on me. “I don’t know much about you,” he finally says and despite us both agreeing to forget what happened there’s still a tension in the air that vibrates along my skin.
I turn my gaze away from him, trying to focus on the food instead. It’s usually a good distraction for me, yet I still feel his heavy gaze on me. “What do you want to know?” I question as I take a bite of the burger. Just like the other day, it’s just as good and I can’t help but to moan slightly.
There’s silence before I finally look back at him. He’s watching me with a small smile. He opens his mouth to say something before shaking his head. “Why did you give up weed?” he finally settles on asking though I have a feeling he wanted to ask something else.
“Oh,” I place the burger down and grab one of the napkins out of the bag to wipe my hands. “The kids. I don’t want to set a bad example for them and plus smoking was never a healthy vice anyway.”
He nods. “Understandable.” His eyes wander to my arm and I realize he’s looking at the small bits of paint still left. “Working on something?” He questions.
I shake my head. “No, just messing around. It’s been a while since I’ve painted and today seemed like a day to start back since both kids are out of the house.”
He looks around as if just noticing the absence of the kids. “Oh, did school start back?” he asks.
“Yes, Tanner’s there and Lilly is at daycare.”
He nods as he takes another fry. “I’ve only seen them a couple of times in passing, how old are they?” When he says it, I realize he’s right. He caught a glimpse of the kids the day we were arguing and another glimpse the day Lilly snuck into their house, but I’m not sure he’s seen them otherwise, considering he stayed in his room for the cookout.
“Two and eight.” I watch as he steals another fry. “I don’t know much about you either,” I say as I watch him. Just looking at him and from what I’ve seen, I get an energy from him that suggests he’s a free spirit.
“Oh,” he thinks it over before shrugging. “I’m an artist, like you.” His hand reaches out briefly, hovering over the paint on my arm, but like before he doesn’t actually touch me, and pulls his hand back instead. “But I prefer charcoal. I work mostly through commissions, but spend way too much time on work that I don’t actually profit from.” When those topaz eyes meet mine this time, a slow smile spreads across his face and my heart flutters in my chest. “I’m a slacker, but Chase and Nathan are always picking up my slack, so I don’t worry too much about it. I’m 27. You never told me how old you were.”
“Oh, 26.”
He nods at that.
“How long have you known Nathan and Chase?” I ask, as I sit forward, finding myself relaxing.
“Honestly? I can’t remember at this point, five, maybe six years?” He thinks it over. “Yea, I think, six.” He fiddles with his necklace. “They keep me out of trouble, most of the time, at least.”
“You don’t seem like the type to get in a lot of trouble, though.” Other than our first incident, he seems peaceful.
His smile widens some more. “If only that were true. I actually met them because Chase arrested me.”
My mouth parts slightly at that. “What?”
He shakes his finger at me and there’s a flicker of mischief in his eyes. “No, finish eating, I won’t tell you the story today because then there won’t be anything interesting left about me. I’ve got to keep you intrigued a little longer, at least until the next time we have lunch together.”
I choose not to mention the insinuation that we’ll do this again because I actually don’t mind the idea of it. The sexual tension between us may still be resting just below the surface, but I actually enjoy his calming presence. It’s refreshing considering what I’m used to. We can just be friends without there being anything sexual.
“Okay, but I’m sure, there’s more interesting things about you than an arrest.” He only gives me a boyish smile as he takes another fry and winks.
Yeah, there’s definitely more to the artistic stoner with gorgeous eyes.