Page 24 of Brutal Winter
The door slam shuts, and before I can glance out of the window at Vito, the car is moving. I stare at the side of Enzo's head as we head away from the house, slightly confused as to what's going on.
What the hell is Delirium?
"Don't let Vito's kindness fool you," Enzo says after a moment. "He's known as the fixer because he's good at his job. And if you get out of hand and become a problem for Giovanni, he'll fix you without a moment's hesitation. He isn't your friend."
I press my lips together tightly. I know Vito isn't my friend, just like Enzo. They may be not as intimidating as Giovanni and Maximo, but I'm still in prison and they're still aiding the warden. I remain quiet the entire car ride and when the car finally pulls to a stop, I'm thankful for it.
The building we're parked in front of is clearly a club. It's huge, at least two stories high and taking up a good majority of the block. Even though it's daytime there are two men standing outside the door on guard duty. They're both huge with wide shoulders and no doubt packing a lot of heat under their suit jackets.
Enzo shuts the car off.
He's out of the car and opening my door before I can even protest, not that I'm sure what I'd say. He jerks his head and I get the message loud and clear, stepping out of the car and wobbling slightly in the too high heels. The sun beams down in my face and I reach out blindly for Enzo on instinct when I'm thrown slightly off balance. His hand wraps around my wrist briefly, warm and strong, before releasing me.
"Let's go," he grumbles and his hand on the small of my back guides me. I try to ignore the way the spot tingles slightly at his touch.
The guards nod to Enzo before stepping out of the way and allowing us entrance into the club. It's dimly lit inside, and I can just barely make out a long hallway. It opens up to a slightly brighter room. There are tables and booths spread out along the walls and the middle is a wide open floor. The tile is slick and shiny as if its been recently polished. A bar, currently out of service, sits at the back of the room. My eyes briefly wander over the assortment of alcohol on the wall.
Footsteps drag my attention away from surveying the room and I turn, my head swimming slightly when my gaze lands on Giovanni. He's striding toward us with the confidence of a thousand men and so much fire in his eyes, I expect to combust.
I rub at my throat.
His eyes move over me and he tilts his head to the side slightly before looking at Enzo. "You're late," he says, a deep frown on his face.
Enzo's shoulders sink the slightest inch and he bows his head, "Sorry, sir."
"Don't let it happen again," Giovanni says. It sounds like a dismissal.
He turns his full gaze on me and I try not to squirm. I hold still, waiting for him to speak. The sting of his words and the tightness of his hand around my throat this morning are a fresh memory and I can't help but to feel tense in his presence.
"Winter," he says coldly. "This is where you will be working from here on out."
My brows pull together and I give the club another cursory glance before looking at Giovanni. His jaw is set tight, his hands shoved in his pockets.
"Okay," I say, unsure when it becomes clear he's waiting on a response from me.
Apparently, the one word isn't what he wants to hear because a muscle ticks in his jaw. "You will report here at six in the afternoon Tuesday through Friday. Enzo will accompany you most days, other days you will be with another guard."
Never alone, the message is clear.
I give a nod and he takes an abrupt step forward, making my heart go wild in my chest. I take a step back. "You say, yes, sir," he corrects me, his jaw clenched.
I peep out of the corner of my eye at Enzo but his gaze is straight ahead and he can't help me anyway. "Yes, sir," I say quickly, the words feeling odd on my tongue.
Giovanni can't be more than ten years older than me.
"I have a meeting to attend to with some new associates in my office," he says, glancing at his watch. He looks at Enzo. "Enzo will escort me back, because there are some things that need to be addressed. Then he'll come back and give you a tour of the establishment." He turns on his expensive loafers, his shoulders drawn tight as he starts to walk away from me. Enzo falls into step next to him.
"Wait," the word is out of my mouth before I can stop it and internally I curse myself, but now that it’s out...
Giovanni turns slowly and each second feels like an hour, until he's finally staring at me full on and with the intensity in his eyes, I wish he would have just kept his back to me.
I take a deep swallow. "Wh-what will I be doing here?" I stutter out.
He remains still, staring me down and this time I do squirm under his gaze, my limbs feeling uncomfortably tight. "Whatever I tell you to," he finally says before turning back around and this time I don't dare stop him.
He and Enzo disappear through a door to the right of the bar.