Page 44 of Brutal Winter
"You're not working tonight," Enzo says as he appears at my door.
I glance up at him, my muscles tense. Now is the time he usually comes to my room to let me out to get ready. I've started to think of it as some sort of prelude to my small window of freedom working at the club.
"What am I doing then?" I ask cautiously.
He frowns. "You'll be accompanying Giovanni."
"Today is a special day," he cuts me off. "And there has to be substance to the rumors that you're Giovanni's mistress. Now hurry up, you need to get ready so that we can head out."
My chest tightens and I can't tell if it's in irritation or frustration. I've started to look forward to working at the club.
I get up, purposely bumping into Enzo as I pass him. Pain moves through my shoulder, but I try not to let it show on my face. It'll ruin my small act of rebellion. Enzo doesn't offer any sort of response as he follows behind me.
I give him one final glare before shutting myself in the bathroom.
I go straight to the cabinet to see what bullshit I'll be wearing tonight and I want to flush the dress down the toilet the second I see it. It's long enough that it should stop a little below the knees. Which is good since they're still scabbed over. But the back is completely out, the fabric pulling just at the top of where my butt will be. The front has a deep v that will have my cleavage on display. None of the dresses I work in are this damn skimpy and the thought only has me more agitated.
I snatch up the lacy pair of underwear, shaking my head. They aren't nearly as comfortable as the soft silk suggests, I've learned.
Looking back in the cabinet, my ankles give a phantom throb when my eyes land on the louboutins.
I toss the panties back inside before climbing into the shower. I drag it out longer than I should, as another act of rebellion. I feel on edge the entire time, thinking Enzo is going to bust inside and drag me out, but taking the risk. When he doesn't, I get dressed slowly as well.
When I step into the hallway, he's waiting with his arms folded over his chest, his face pinched. His lips twist to the side as he glances at me.
"Come, you took too long. Giovanni is going to be pissed."
"He's always pissed about something, isn't he?"
Enzo whips around so quickly that I almost fall as I back away from him. His eyes are hot, his jaw tight, and his hands clenched into fists. "Stop acting like a fucking brat. I've let you get away with running your mouth longer than anyone else would, but if you keep it up." He inhales a sharp breath as he cuts off abruptly. He shakes his head, none of the anger fading. "I don't have time for this," he mutters before reaching out and grabbing my wrist.
His grip is tight and I'm not brave enough to try to pull out of it as he starts to pull me toward the stairs. I reach out with my freehand as he continues to drag me down the stairs, trying to keep pace with him. When we reach the bottom, he finally releases me.
He peers at me for a moment, and he seems to be slightly calmer, but I know better than to say something. Right now is not one of the moments to push him. "Stay," he orders before disappearing down the hall. When he returns, he has a coat in his hand and he tosses it at me. I struggle to catch it before it hits the ground.
"Put it on."
He waits until I'm done before opening the front door. There's a running car already waiting in front of the steps, smoke blowing in the air from the exhaust. I follow Enzo down the stairs, keeping my distance until he pulls the door open for me and gestures for me to get inside. I move to get in before pausing when I find Vito and Giovanni already inside.
Giovanni is on the side closest to me and Vito is on the opposite side. Giovanni glances at me before looking back at his phone, saying, "Climb over."
It takes me a moment to realize he wants me to climb over him to take the seat in the middle. I glance down to the hemline of my dress, cringing. At least this one is longer than the ones I usually wear. Enzo presses a not so gentle hand on my back, hurrying me forward.
I keep a straight face as I climb over Gio, aware of Vito's gaze surveying me. My arm brushes against Giovanni's warm chest for a brief moment and I move quicker, drawing away. I pull my dress down slightly to try to keep from exposing my barely covered bottom though I'm not sure that I actually do a good job. I let out a breath of relief when I finally plop down in the middle, sitting down and crossing my legs at the ankle.
My heart beats quickly in my chest and the vibe in the car feels stilted, putting an unexpected pressure on my shoulders.
A hand brushes across my chest and I look up in shock. Vito's gaze is on mine as he continues pulling my seatbelt across me, snapping it closed.
I pull my lips in as I stare forward.
Enzo gets in and the car starts to move slowly. When it finally pulls to a stop, I look out the window at Delirium. I'm unsurprised by the line. Enzo opens Giovanni's door and he climbs out without a backwards glance, heading toward a door where a burly man is standing.
I follow behind him, my steps short and unstable as I try to keep up with them in the high heels. Vito sticks his arm out and I reach forward, wrapping my hand around his arm and taking the invitation mostly out of self preservation because I'm convinced I'm going to fall on my face otherwise.