Page 59 of Brutal Winter
His lips twist to the side. "Like I said, the heels, she looks like a deer on ice in them, maybe she fell and that's what happened to her knees."
I slam my hands on the desk, standing up and glaring at Gio. He doesn't move an inch, other than to meet my eyes. "Don't be dense, Giovanni. Your baby brother raped her. I know it and I bet you do too. You aren't stupid after all and you wouldn't be in this position of power if you were. I'm sure you've noticed all the little things that I have. Hell, I'm sure if you called Maximo up here, he'd tell you himself exactly what he did."
"What did I do?" The amused voice comes from behind me and I don't even bother turning around as I hear the door close with a soft click.
There's silence as Maximo moves up next to me, so close that his shoulder brushes mine. I glance at him, finding his lips curved into a shit eating grin. My hands ball into fist.
Don't hit the bastard.
Don't do it.
Don't. Fucking. Do. It. Vito.
Gio's eyes move over me, from my face down to my clenched fist. He grinds his jaw before turning his gaze to Maximo and giving him the same cursory glance. Something he sees has him taking another drag of the cigar. He presses his eyes closed, inhaling the smoke before blowing it out. When he opens his eyes, devoid of any emotion, I know that he knows the truth.
He stamps out the cigar on the edge of his desk.
"Vito was just telling me that you disobeyed me," he says the words slow, articulating each syllable. The temperature in the room drops.
Any other man would be showing signs of worrying now, any little glimpse of fear. But Maximo isn't like anyone else, so it's no surprise when his grin only widens and he lets out a soft chuckle, the sound menacing as it bounces around the room. He looks at me, a twinkle in his eye before looking back at his brother. "Is that so?" he tosses back, the disrespect in his tone clear. "What did I do? What rule did I break this time? I don't recall setting any more clubs on fire since the last time you told me not to."
Which was only four days ago and came with nothing but a warning, no punishment given.
"He says that you touched Winter after I told you not to."
That’s putting it mother fucking lightly.
Maximo's eyes narrow slightly and he taps his chin as if he really needs to think about the accusation. After a moment he snaps his fingers. "You know what? That's right, I may have touched her." When a dangerous glint enters his eyes and the smile turns into something crueler I know I'm not going to like the words that come out of his mouth. "Actually, I remember doing more than that." He turns his attention to me, the look on his face challenging before he looks back at Gio. "I remember fucking her so throughly with my fingers that she almost forgot to run. But then she did," he lets out a deep sigh, shaking his head, “after I politely told her not to. Of course I had to punish her for that. Nothing too bad though, seeing as her cunt was still wet, because like I said, she was enjoying herself-"
I snap.
I don't even try to hold myself back as I launch myself at Maximo, not even when I see the wicked grin on his face, letting me know that he did this on purpose, that's he's perfectly taunting me.
My knuckles hit his face so hard that I think they're going to break. Blood gushes from Maximo's lip but he only rolls his tongue across it, letting out a moan. "Almost tastes as good as Winter did." I charge forward again.
Gio's voice cuts through the room, crisp and clear, bringing me to a halt. When I look at him, I expect to see his gaze on me but instead it's just over my shoulder. Turning, my eyes narrow when I spot Enzo standing just inside the door, his gun drawn and pointed right at my head. His finger is steady on the trigger, his eyes blank.
I shake my head, turning back around. "You see, this is what happens when you let him remain out of control like this," I bite out, pointing a finger at Maximo. "Not only did he rape the girl you explicitly told him not to, but because you allow him to fuck around with your guard as he pleases, said guard is stepping out of line as well..."
"Like you're doing right now?" Maximo asks, a cheshire grin on his face as he sits down on his brother's desk like he isn't the cause of the chaos in the room. "I thought I'd never see the day that you talk back to master," he mocks. "I should have known it'd only take a nice pair of tits and a pretty face to break you. It's always been your weakness, hasn't it?"
I see red.
"Enough," Gio says, finally rising from his seat. "I've heard enough." His voice is just as calm and collected as it was before this shitstorm started. He turns his gaze to Enzo. Put it away," he orders him. It feels like no one in the room takes a breath as Enzo keeps his gun pointed at my head for a second longer before finally putting it away.
This is why I told Gio not to hire the former soldier, not only does he clearly have PTSD, but Maximo is the one who picked him out after he found him on the streets. That in itself was enough to leave the man sleeping in his cardboard box. And now, Maximo plays with his head and manipulates him to do whatever he wants. I have no question as to where his loyalties lie and it’s not with the man who rules the Costa Family.
"Clearly things have gotten out of control due to our guest," Gio says, keeping his voice even. When his gaze turns to Maximo, there's a flicker of doubt before the mask returns. "Basement," he says the one word that makes Maximo's shoulders tighten. It only lasts for the briefest moment before he rises to his feet.
"Make sure he gets there," Gio tells Enzo. I don't think it is a good idea, but if he's willing to send Maximo to the basement then he'll most definitely shoot Enzo in the head if he doesn't get him there.
Maximo doesn't say a single word, walking out of the room with Enzo on his heels. Neither bother to close the door.
I turn back to Gio, finding him watching me closely. "You never lose your cool, but you let Maximo trick you into going off," he says. "You're my fixer, Vito, you're supposed to keep a clear head if no one else does. You’re supposed to solve problems without me asking.” Like I did when I gave Winter that damn pill. “Will you be able to keep your head about you when it comes to Winter?"
The question he doesn't ask hangs in the air between us and it's one I've been trying not to focus on since I first saved Winter from Maximo.
"I asked you a question, Vito. Do I need to get someone else to deal with her?"
My skin grows hot at just the thought.
"No." I stand up straighter, pushing away all the emotions that have lured me in and the memories that taunt me like a ghost.
"Are you sure? I know what Maximo did was wrong, but it still didn't call for the reaction I just saw. If she's a trigger for you, tell me now because I won't accept anything other than perfection when it comes to the plans I have in store for her and if you ruin that I'll ruin you." His eyes meet mine and that familiar detachment has returned. "Do you understand?"