Page 76 of Brutal Winter
I quickly glance at Giovanni but he's still sitting the same with that emotionless expression. And it doesn't look like he'll be objecting to Maximo's suggestion anytime soon.
I shake my head frantically. "No, I..." I sputter out, trying to come up with an argument. "I don't know if it's really her. She doesn't seem like a bad person, and just because she's done these things, doesn't make her the rat."
"If you believed that, you wouldn't have opened your mouth and ratted her out, mouse." Maximo's usual mischievous demeanor is gone. His lips are pulled into a hard frown and his eyes are serious. He looks exactly like Giovanni.
Who still isn't speaking.
I turn to Vito, knowing he's my last hope. "Please." The one word feels so important and when I see a muscle jump in his jaw, my hope builds. He looks over my shoulder at Giovanni and I hear Maximo let out a curse.
Vito's gaze returns to mine. "Give us a moment," he says. He looks over at Enzo. "Take her into the hall."
Enzo moves over to my seat and I hesitate before scooting my seat back and standing up. I follow Enzo out into the hall and wait with a heavy heart.
It feels like forever, but has to be only a few moments before Vito steps into the hall. His gaze meets mine. "You've got two more weeks to give us something more solid, or we're going to bring Amarie in either way."
Angie has disappeared twice tonight, and so has Dave.
I'm almost positive they were having sex.
Actually, I'm completely positive that's what they were doing. Angie's lipstick was smudged after they came back the first time. The second time, Dave's zipper was down.
I take a deep sigh.
"Have you considered that it really is Amarie?" I jump in surprise at Enzo's voice.
Turning, I find him sitting on the barstool next to where I'm standing. It's rare that he ever leaves his spot against the wall while I'm working. And even rarer for him to speak at me without ordering me to do something.
I blink, glancing down the bar where Dave is getting my drink ready. I look around the club for Amarie before spotting her climbing up the stairs to enter VIP.
"No," I finally say, bringing my attention back to Enzo.
"Why not?"
I shrug my shoulders. "She's just..."
"Nice?" he asks, finishing my sentence.
I nod. "Yeah... there's something off about her, but ultimately she's nice."
"And you believe nice people can't do bad things?" he questions, tapping his fingers against the bar.
"No." I shake my head. "I believe they can do bad things. I'm doing one right now by preparing to hand someone over to be executed."
"Executed is a harsh word." His voice drops a little lower and a look enters his eyes before he shakes his head. "She'll be interrogated and if she's found to be guilty, she'll be dealt with."
"And you think that's right?" I'm genuinely curious. I know Enzo's morals aren't good, I have proof of it. But I also know he's just a henchman doing what his bosses tell him to do.
"Didn't say it as right," he mutters. "But it's what has to be done."
I lean closer to him, my arm sliding against the cool bar as I lower my voice as well. "But I don't want to be a part of it."
"You signed a contract." His eyes meet mine and I'm not surprised by the lack of sympathy.
"She's nice." I come back to my biggest arguing point. My only point.
"Then find another suspect," he says, his jaw tight. "But frankly, I've been here and I've seen the same things you have. She's always sneaking off, she's always on guard, and I've caught her watching me more than a few times." He stands up, hovering over me. "You've got one more week before Giovanni and Maximo step in and Vito won't be able to convince them to hold off." His shoulder brushes against mine as he walks away.