Page 96 of Brutal Winter
My brows pull together against my instincts. This man has to be stupid. Giovanni has made it clear that he barely tolerates the seven quad gang, the tension between he and Diamond clear. They supposedly have some sort of treaty but it can’t be too strong when I watch Maximo knoll one of seven quad’s members. So why would Giovanni ever try to get in further with them? And who is this us that the stranger is talking about?
I don't know if he expects a real answer considering he's still squeezing my face hard enough that I can't move it. But I have no information for him either way.
He seems to realize it, pulling his hand away from my face.
"I'm nothing to him," I spit out, a cough racking my body.
The man shakes his head. "No, Todd told me that you're important. He said anytime someone got out of hand with you, he," he points behind him at Enzo, "was there to stop them. And Maximo Costa shot a seven quad member dead in their club, risking ruining their treaty after Diamond got too handsy with you. So don't sit here and lie to me."
"I... I don't know." My head whips to the side as his hand connects with my face again and everything goes blurry. I hear the rattling of chains and I'm not sure if it comes from mine or Enzo's, but then I'm airborne, a hard shoulder digging into my shoulder, my head lolling to the side as I'm carried.
"Fine, you don't want to speak, I'm sure I can find you some motivation," the man says. I can hear Enzo's faint shouts but they quickly fade.
I try to get a feel for my surroundings but I feel so disoriented that I just want to throw up. I squeeze my eyes closed until I feel myself being tossed to the ground.
Reopening my eyes, I suck in a sharp breath as I find myself in a new room. It's dimly lit but it doesn't offer any hiding from the group of men standing around me with sneers on their face. Most of them are covered in tattoos.
The same man from before takes a step in front of me. "You ready to talk yet?" he asks. He doesn't even give me a chance to answer before he's gesturing for one of the men to move forward. He's the biggest in the room, a mohawk too small for his head nearly touching the ceiling in the room. "No? I'm sure Rocco will loosen you up," he says with a cruel laugh.
I get to my feet, pushing back the wave of nausea as I try to run to the door. I barely make it a foot there before a strong arm wraps around my waist. I thrash around, scratching and kicking as I try to get free, but I'm unsuccessful.
Rocco's hands are tight around me and I raise my foot trying to hit him in the groan but he bats me away a moment before his hand shoves down the top of my shirt, cupping my breast.
"Stop!" I scream.
His hands don’t falter for even a moment, continuing to defile me. He squeezes my nipple between his fingers so tightly that I can’t stop a scream from ripping out of my throat.
The hardness of his gun presses into the small of my back.
Maybe I can reach it and...
“Javier,” he laughs, looking at the other man. “I think you got us something nice right here.”
“Only the best for my men.” Javier lets out a sick laugh.
Rocco’s fingers give my nipples another pinch that has me seeing red. His hand withdraws before they’re at my zipper.
I fight, tossing my body around frantically. Rocco laughs. “Now let me see what this pussy feels like-” He’s cut off as a bang rips through the room.
A vibration moves through the room before the sound of gunshots and Rocco promptly drops to the floor, his blood splattering over my face. I gasp for air, falling to my knees. I keep low as the room continues to explode into more shots and shouts. I peek up, but I can't see anything but bodies moving quickly.
Crawling to Rocco's body, I dig my hand under his waistband, pulling the gun from there. I immediately remove the safety, crawling back on my free hand and scooting my butt as I try to watch the room. It's still too hard to make out what's going on and I don't allow myself to take a closer look until my back is to the wall in the corner of the room.
My heart stops in my chest the second I see Maximo. Blood is on his cheek, but he doesn't seem fazed by it. Death is in his eyes as he shifts his way through the room, a gun in each hand. I spot Giovanni not far off, watching the room. There's a gun in his own hand but he isn't covered in blood like his brother, though I have no doubt he's let off a few rounds himself.
Lucia is stomping across the room, her face hard. There’s a long gun in her hand and I watch as she brings it up, squeezing the trigger twice.
She hits her target.
I recognise a few other men who belong to Giovanni, but my gaze is quickly pulled away from them as a form moves in my vision.
Javier. There's a bullet hole in his shoulder, which he's gripping with the opposite hand, his gun dangling from his fingers. He comes at me, cussing and spouting Spanish before switching to English as he gets closer. "I'm going to put a stop to this," he says a moment before he reaches toward me.
I don't think.
I don't doubt.
I don't hesitate.