Page 123 of Ruthless Spring
There’s a bald headed Caucasian man sitting in the booth and his shoulders straighten up as he looks at Amarie. He gives her a nod, saying something before his eyes start to roam around the club. I quickly look down before his eyes can meet mine. Once I think he’s no longer looking, I look back, watching as he enters an intense conversation with Amarie.
She listens to him, her body rigid. Her head gives a quick bob before I watch her point a manicured finger at the man. He says something else to her and she shakes her head sharply before taking a step back from the booth.
The man stands, following her.
Or at least that’s what I think he’s doing, until he heads toward the door.
Amarie’s gaze lifts and she looks at me. She shakes her head, her gaze never leaving mine as she marches over to me. She lets out an exasperated sigh. “Clearly, my words just won’t get through your head. I’ve told you this once before, and I’ll tell you again, you’re going to get caught up in the wrong web, little spider.” She moves even closer until I can feel her body heat against mine. Her voice is low near my ear as she speaks. “I like you, Winter, but if you think the shit you’re already caught up in is dangerous, then you don’t want to even take a peek into my world. Mind your own business and stay away from my shit.”
She leans back, giving me a sharp pat on the shoulder before she makes her way back toward the bar.
My heart races a little quicker in my chest.
What could be worse than the Costa Family?
But I heed her warning and decide it doesn’t concern me so I shouldn’t keep intruding.
Turning, I head toward my section, pausing when I see someone sitting in one of the booths that was just vacant.
I walk closer, my body going completely still as I find Diamond sitting there. His dreads are pulled back into a ponytail. He’s wearing a plain black t-shirt and I can see his tattoos peeking out from under the collar, the ink moving up his neck and stopping behind his ear. There’s a small bandage sitting on the spot where he was recently shot.
He’s chewing on a toothpick, something that seems to be a habit of his. When his dark gaze lands on me, a grin stretches his lips, putting focus on the gold canine on the right side of his mouth. A diamond sits in the middle of the gold and I have no doubt it's real.
“Winter,” he says, amusement lighting his eyes as he looks me over.
I pause. “How did you get in here?”
I keep my distance from him even though, admittedly, Diamond doesn’t intimidate me the same way he did when we first met. There’s just this causal air to him like he thinks everything is a game, a dangerous game, but one all the same. And honestly, I don’t have the feeling that he’s ever really had intentions to hurt me. Even the first night I met him, when Maximo has to step in and shoot one of the seven quad men to get Diamond to leave me alone.
And I can’t forget that if it wasn’t for him, I’d be dead.
Maybe that isn’t actually a favor.
But even though he just saved mine and Vito’s lives, I have no doubt I shouldn't actually be talking to him. Especially when Giovanni just said he thinks Seven Quad is up to something.
“Through the door, of course,” he says, sitting forward. He rests his arms against the table and I study the angel tattooed on his arm. Half of the angel’s face is covered by her curly hair and the other half is that of a skeleton, her large black wings spanning around Diamond’s arm.
“You shouldn't be here.”
“Yeah, probably not, but really who makes the rules?”
“The Costas,” I tell him sharply, looking behind me. I’ve been given more freedom as far as Enzo not watching my every move, but I know it’ll only be a matter of time before he comes looking to see where I am.
I think it has less to do with orders and more to do with possessiveness at this point.
Diamond waves a hand, pulling his toothpick out of his mouth and twirling it between two fingers. “The Costas.” There’s an apparent amount of disgust in his voice. “I’m not afraid of them, and I don’t respect the little bullshit rules they’ve made up. Neither should you. You know if you were to join seven quad, you’d be treated like a queen and not a piece of trash that fell out of the can.” His eyes roam over me again, but there’s nothing sensual or perverse to it.
“You mean I should come be a whore for your gang instead?” I ask, cutting to the point.
His face twists slightly before he shakes his head. “No, that’s not what I meant, but at least it seems you have a pair of balls. I’ve already told you I’m not your enemy. Did I not prove that the other day when I saved you?”
I narrow my eyes at him, biting down on my lip. “But clearly you want something from me.”
He shakes his head. “The only thing I want to do is talk with you.”
I glance behind me, but I know that Enzo is tucked away in a corner on the other side of the club. There’s no way he can see me or Diamond.
Diamond pats the table before pointing to the seat across from him. “Come sit with me, Winter.”
I shake my head. “Why in the hell would I do that?”
“Because if you do, I’ll tell you the truth about your mother. The truth about her death, because it wasn’t a suicide.”