Page 15 of Ruthless Spring
And I thrive when shit is hitting the fan. It means my brother and Vito, especially Vito, have no time to bitch about my behavior, because they're too busy worrying about outer forces.
Or at least that's the way it typically is.
I glance over at Vito, taking in the way his hands are tightened on the steering wheel as he peers at the road. He hates being in the car with me, but he hates me being without a babysitter even more. It's the reason he got Giovanni to let him accompany me to our supply meeting today.
Apparently, things aren't quite crazy enough. I just may have to change that...
"Why are you staring at me?" he asks through tight lips, not bothering to look over at me.
I grin, shrugging and relaxing into my seat. "Because the fine god you like to preach about gave me a great pair of eyes, Vito."
His hands tighten further on the wheel.
"You could have stayed home," I remind him.
"The last thing I need is for you to mess up business with another one of our associates," he bites out.
I give a low laugh. "Adam isn’t an associate, he’s a weak little man who works for us, not with us, and I haven't ruined shit."
"You shot a Seven Quad member in the middle of our club."
I scoff, waving a hand. I can’t believe he’s still bringing this shit up. "That's old news, I thought we were over that." The shooting happened months ago, and frankly it wasn't my fault. My hand was forced and I rightfully took action.
"How can we be over it when Seven Quad is supposed to be our ally?"
I watch as we zip through the busy streets of downtown. It’s a waste of breath to try to sway Vito to my side and vice versa, and unimportant, but we have nothing else to talk about. "Our ally today, our enemy tomorrow," I tell him.
Growing up, it seemed like the family and Seven Quad were having a shootout almost every weekend. I remember the pinched lines on my father's face when one of his men was brought in with a gunshot wound. The way his eyes would flash as the family doctor would tell him nothing could be done unless said victim went to a real hospital. And father would never let that happen. It brought up too many questions, and broke his deal with law enforcement to keep his dealings under lock and key in exchange for a blind eye.
Only so much shit can be overlooked before the real law becomes involved, and father hated the FBI almost as much as he hated me.
I push the thought away as quickly as it comes, gliding my tongue over sharp incisors before redirecting my attention back to Vito. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you and my brother that it's only a matter of time before Seven Quad turns on us again. You'll be lucky if it isn't before Diamond takes full control."
If Diamond Hawthorne were on fire, I wouldn't piss on the piece of shit. There's a long list of people I hate, but he's at the top, and the feeling is mutual.
It's crossed my mind more than a few times to catch him in a back alley and put him out of his misery. I almost did that night.
But instead, I'd settled for shooting one of his men, getting my message out, loud and clear.
Hands off Winter Chastine, she's mine.
"And I keep telling your brother that you need more diplomatic skills," Vito says as he takes a sharp turn.
"Why do I need such skills when you have enough for both of us?"
"Because the next time you shoot someone in the skull, a bullet may be placed in the back of yours."
I laugh, reaching over and patting the soft fabric of his suit. "I didn't realize you cared so much about me, Bianchi."
He shrugs his shoulder out from under my hand. "Not me, your brother."
I know his words are true, but I don't mind. At one point, Vito and I were as close as he is with Giovanni, brothers and thick as thieves. He'd have my back during those times, helping Giovanni clean blood off me and toting me to my room when I couldn't walk. Only two years older than me, they'd treated me like I was their kid.
But when I changed, only Giovanni stayed the same. Vito, on the other hand, realized that the kitten had become the tiger.