Page 21 of Ruthless Spring
Enzo releases me hastily, and I turn to find Lucia, Giovanni and Maximo's beautiful cousin, standing by the entrance. She's wearing a long sleeved black shirt that covers almost all of her tattoos and her dark pants are accompanied by thick work boots. Her dark hair is pulled back into a sharp ponytail, exposing her beautiful features.
She continues to look at me and Enzo in amusement.
"I was helping her with her shot," Enzo says finally, his shoulders coiled.
"Don't worry, I won't tell my cousin," she says with a wave of her hand. The mischief on her face is clear. She steps away from the wall, walking closer to us. "Speaking of my cousin, where is Maximo?" She peers at Enzo.
"His office," he says, his shoulders straight and his hands behind his back. As Lucia gets closer, he gets tenser.
She smiles when she's a step in front of him, turning her head to look at me as her red painted lips pull into a grin. "Hello, Winter," she says briefly.
"Hey," my voice comes out crackly and I find myself taking a step back. There's something scary about Lucia Costa, much in the same way as Maximo, as if their mood will flip at any moment. Except it seems like Lucia has more control, and I'm not sure if that makes her scarier or not.
"Thanks," she says, turning her attention to Enzo and tapping him on the chest.
He gives her a sharp nod and she turns on her heels, a soft whistle cracking through the air as she leaves.
The mood in the room seems to have shifted completely and I look at Enzo. His lips are pressed into a thin line as he stares back at me. "Training is over."