Page 60 of Ruthless Spring
“You’reback,”Amariesays as I walk into Delirium.
“Oh yeah.” My head pops up.
I’ve been back for a little over a week but this is the first time that I’ve seen Amarie since my return. The other staff said that she was on vacation when I got back and I was off yesterday. I’vve actually been disappointed every day when I come in and she isn’t here. She’s the only real friend I have here at work.
Amarie watches me, her brows furrowed, and her nose wrinkled. “Every time you go missing for weeks at a time, I think you’ve finally been offed.” She says it as if it’s the funniest joke she’s ever told.
I don’t even allow myself to be put off. This seems to be one of Amarie’s… quirks, finding morbid thing amusing.
“No, still standing,” I tell her.
“Good.” Her eyes flit around the room and her expression changes briefly, her lips turning down. She mutters something under her breath.
“What?” I turn, following her line of sight and finding a man making his way to her section.
“Nothing,” Amarie says she places a hand on my shoulder. “It’s just good to have you back.” She smiles at me. “You’re my favorite train wreck to watch.”
“Thanks,” I mutter sarcastically.
She gives out a tinker of a laugh, but I hear the tightness in it. I can tell her attention isn’t really on me. Her lips pull tight for a moment and her brow rises before she lets out a sigh. She turns to look at me and her expression smooths out. “Sorry, got to go and grab this customer,” she says, giving me another pat on the shoulder before disappearing.
I shake my head, deciding weird isn’t even the word to describe Amarie anymore.
Is there any word to describe her?
No, I decide, making my way to the bar. I can only hope that one day I’ll figure out more about Amarie. Then again, maybe I don’t want to know.
I feel a gaze on the back of my neck and my brows pull together. I turn, looking around the club, but I don’t find anyone. The club isn’t crowded yet, but I don’t spot a single person keeping a close eye on me, other than…
My eyes meet Enzo’s and my cheeks flush. He’s been keeping an even closer eye on me since the other night and there’s not a doubt in my mind that Maximo told him what happened.
He hasn’t explicitly said anything, but there’s just this look, one that says I know all your secrets, including that you enjoyed my boyfriend making you come.
I frown at the thought, and I have to wonder if Maximo and Enzo are in a real relationship or if they’re just fucking. Maximo doesn’t seem like a person that would value the word relationship in any sense. He barely seems to tolerate his brother, so committing himself to another human…
And what’s it matter to you anyway?
I look away from Enzo, trying to get rid of all thoughts of him and Maximo.
I engross myself in my tables, the routine clearing my head. When my break comes, I step into the back hall, trying to escape Enzo’s gaze. I breathe a sigh of relief when he doesn’t follow me.
“Don’t you look like a well put mistress…”
My head jerks in surprise and I turn to find Diamond walking in my direction. He’s wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a compressed t-shirt that emphasizes how in shape he is. His arms are ripped and as he gets closer, I can see the tattoos covering them. There’s a toothpick hanging between his lips. His dreads sway as he comes to a stop a few feet away from me.
He flashes a golden smile at me.
My body tenses up and I turn, looking behind me. I instantly regret the decision to leave Enzo’s sight.
How long will he allow me to be away before he comes looking?
Experience says not long, but I’m still apprehensive as I stare at Diamond.
“What are you doing here?” I ask him.
He tilts his head, his brown eyes roaming over my face as he shrugs his broad shoulders. “Just wanted to pay a little friendly visit.”