Page 78 of Ruthless Spring
Polo shrugs his shoulders before popping a single piece of popcorn into his mouth. “Oh, you know, I’ve been here and there, brother. We have so much to catch up on. For starters, I got a new car.”
“You got rid of the red Ferrari?” Maximo asks in shock, placing a hand to his chest. He’s more animated than usual, in a way that isn’t his usual calculating or cruelness.
This seems genuine.
“I said new, not replaced. Of course, I still have my baby, but my new darling,” he shakes his head with exaggeration before wrapping his free arm around Maximo’s shoulders. “You must come see it.”
The two exit the arena, not acknowledging anyone else. I can’t help but to raise a brow at the weird interaction before turning around.
I’m surprised to find the woman approaching me and I automatically take a step back. She doesn't miss the motion, pulling to a stop and holding out a hand.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Daria.” Her pearly white smile is genuine as she holds out a hand to me and I can’t help but to take it.
“Yes, I’ve heard of you,” she says, “And I saw you at the party when my cousin was getting up to trouble.” She gives me a wink. “Join me,” she says, gesturing in front of herself.
I look at Giovanni who is now standing beside Lorenzo, and he gives an imperceptible nod before turning away.
So, I follow Daria, and Enzo falls into step behind us, as we move around the arena. Daria doesn’t stop until we’re well out of hearing range of the men, who are now sitting down and talking. I have a feeling it’s intentional.
She sits down and motions for me to sit in the seat next to her. I take it, aware of Enzo still standing behind us.
I stare out at the baseball field. It’s a sunny day, and while I’ve never been a fan of baseball, even I can admire how beautiful the field looks.
“You know I stay out of all affairs that don’t directly affect me.” Daria says slowly, drawing my attention to her. Her gaze is fixed on the field. “But when I heard about Giovanni’s black mistress, I was more than a little curious.”
I frown, before remembering that’s the weird cover story that Giovanni gave me when I first got here.
Her gaze turns to me, and that beaming smile is on her face again. “And I have to say that you are absolutely gorgeous.”
“Thank you,” I tell her, my cheeks growing warm. “That's such a compliment, you’re extremely beautiful yourself.”
She lets out a little laugh, her cheeks perking up. “Thank you. It’s not something I hear a lot in this community.”
My eyes widened. “Are you serious?”
She nods, waving a hand. “Yeah, anyone who doesn’t have nice fair skin isn’t perceived well in this community.” She points to her skin that’s a few shades lighter than mine.
“I… aren’t you the sister to…” I can’t remember the name that Enzo gave me. “Someone important?”
She nods, her nose wrinkling. “Yes, I suppose Bram is important, though I still see him as the overprotective jackass brother that I grew up with.” She laughs and there’s just something about her that draws you in. I find myself leaning closer as she continues to speak. “My mother was his father’s whore. I was an accident. But he kept me when my mother died from childbirth and I suppose that has to count for something. But growing up in the community, I developed a thick skin. I can’t imagine it’s been easy for someone who wasn’t born it.” She raises a brow at me.
I press my lips together. “No, it hasn’t been easy, but….” I look over my shoulder at Enzo and sure enough, he’s watching me, so I decided to pick my words carefully, “It could be worse.”
Daria doesn’t say anything, letting her gaze slide over my face. “I suppose it could be. How did you meet Giovanni? He isn’t much known for going out on the town picking up women, especially ones who look like us.”
It’s a lie that I don’t think I was ever given to tell, and I try to come up with one of the spot. I wave my hand casually at her while coming up with my story. A mistress wouldn't be pissed about being here or with Giovanni, she’d be happy. It’d be something positive. “Oh, you know how it is. I was trying to get into his club and when I wouldn’t leave, security called him and it was sparks from the moment we met.” Sparks of hate.
Her nose crinkles and her lips twitch, “That sounds… nice.”
The look on her face tells me she isn’t buying my story, so I quickly change the subject. “Mhmm, and you’re engaged to Lorenzo, right?” I ask, remembering what Enzo told me the first time I saw them.
Her body goes tense for a moment before she nods, “Yes, Lorenzo is my fiancé.”
“Is he nice?” I release a moment after it leaves my mouth that it sounds like a weird question to ask someone about their fiancé. Especially when they’re a virtual stranger.
“That’s a good question,” Daria muses. “Lorenzo is… different. He’s not like the rest of them: Giovanni, my brother, the Rosi brothers. But I’m not sure that nice would be the way to describe him. At least, not as far as it pertains to others. He’s always treated me with respect, even when we were younger and I was an outcast.”