Page 19 of Wolf Kiss
“Hey, Park, we’re people of science. Consider it an experiment. We’re just testing a theory.”
“Right. Gathering data.”
“What if the theory that we should be together is supported by the data?” He shifted to his knees as she did the same.
The wolf let out a little whine as if he didn’t approve of this experiment, but that was silly. What did a wolf know about human relationships? It had to be less than Brandy did.
“Then, as scientists, we will have to design other experiments and collect more data.”
“Okay.” Parker stood and held out his hand to Brandy. He pulled her to her feet when she took it, the wolf pacing in clumsy circles in his cage beside them. “He doesn’t seem to like this idea.”
So Parker noticed that too.Hmm.
“Too bad. Two-legged occupants of the clinic are in charge.” Or were they? What they were about to do was totally crazy.
And she’d been the one to suggest it.
“Should we do an on-the-count-of-three type thing?” Parker was still holding her hand and his was noticeably clammy.
“Sure. That works. On three or after three?” This was quite possibly the dumbest conversation she and Parker had ever had.
“After three. On three will put our lips in an odd position.”
“True. Okay.”
Brandy stared into Parker’s brown eyes and the two of them began counting. At one, they each took a step closer to one another. On two, Parker let go of her hands and put his on her hips, coaxing her closer still. Brandy put her hands on Parker’s shoulders and leaned in for the kiss.
“Three,” Parker whispered.
Their lips met and while his were soft and warm and tasted slightly of minty toothpaste, Brandy could tell they still didn’t have a soul mate connection. His kiss was perfectly acceptable. Not too much pressure. Not too much saliva. Not too much tongue.
Just not enough… spark.
They mutually ended the kiss and took a step back from each other. Parker stuck his hands in the pockets of his jeans. Brandy folded her arms across her chest. A silent moment stretched between them.
Parker cleared his throat.
Brandy studied her work boots.
“So…” Parker said.
“Yeah.” Brandy met his gaze. “Nothing. Right?”
“Not a thing.” He whooshed out a breath. “I mean, you’re a great kisser.”
“Oh, yeah. Thanks. You too.” She arrowed her hands at him. “Nothing wrong with the kissing itself.”
“Not at all. Just no… you know…” He ran his hand through his brown hair, mussing it adorably.
Brandy fiddled with the end of her hair. “No sizzle.”
“No sizzle. Definitely.”
“Well, okay then. That’s all settled.” Brandy clapped her hands together. “And we’ll never speak about it again, right?”
“That experiment goes to the grave with us both.” Parker wiped his hands on the thighs of his jeans.