Page 38 of Wolf Kiss
Most definitely.
Chapter Nine
Brandy rubbed the final spices on the steaks, checked on the side dishes, and peeked in the oven at the dark chocolate walnut brownies with the coconut-chocolate chip-toffee topping. The brownies smelled like heaven, and she wouldn’t mind skipping right to the dessert round tonight even though she loved steak on the grill.
But brownies weren’t the only dessert she was hungry for. A tall, black-haired, bearded Irish dude would fill her up just as nicely. Probably better than brownies if those full lips and big hands had anything to say about the matter. An excited jolt zipped through her as she remembered Reardon’s strong arm around her waist, hoisting her off her feet, carrying her to safety.
When she thought about what could have happened today, she… she… well, she couldn’t let herself think about it. Knowing she could have lost Dylan, the one piece of her sister she treasured most, made her want to sob hysterically.
Thinking of Reardon saving them both dammed the tears. He’d been there. He’d acted fast. He’d made sure they lived to see another day. She owed him so much more than dinner.
And she was prepared to give him more. Whatever he wanted. Tonight, hopefully.
This was a new line of thought for Brandy, but it made this half-nervous, half-delighted energy course through her body like flowing electricity. She wasn’t one to use her body to pay her debts, but shewantedto do so with Reardon. She’d only been in his presence less than fifteen minutes, but she felt… connected to him, as if she knew him already. He was handsome as hell and probably used to women falling immediately under his spell. Brandy figured his eyes alone had enough power to rein in the most reluctant women. Combine those eyes with that bodyandhis life-saving skills and he started looking very much like The Perfect Man.
If there was such a thing.
Brandy hadn’t believed there was, but Reardon—whose last name she didn’t even know—appeared extremely close to perfect.
“Be careful,” she warned herself as she pulled the brownies out of the oven and put them on the stovetop to cool. No need to be stupid about this whole thing. She’d serve him dinner, and if he was open to more, she’d give it to him. It didn’t have to be a big deal. It was just sex.
“Hey, B.”
She whirled around at the sound of Parker’s voice, ready to greet her friend, but her gaze immediately landed on Reardon standing so beautifully tall behind him instead. He filled her small kitchen with his broad shoulders and long legs, and Brandy was certain someone had sucked all the oxygen out of the room. She actually felt dizzy. He looked amazing in another pair of blue jeans and a black, Henley-style T-shirt that fit snuggly around his biceps.
“Good evening, lass.” The deep timbre of his voice caressed her from the inside and she nearly melted at his feet.
“Reardon.” She liked saying his name. “Nice to see you again.”
“Aye, likewise.” He held out a bottle of wine so she had to step closer to take it.
As her hand closed around the neck, Reardon put his free hand over hers. It was solid and rough and warm. God, she hoped he wanted to touch her later tonight. She might weep if he didn’t.
“You’re okay, aye?” He didn’t release his hold on her. Not that she wanted him to. In fact, she had an indescribable urge to snuggle into his arms and stay there. For like a long time.
Or forever. Either way.
“I’m fine,” she said. “Thanks to you.” She looked at his hand that was still bandaged around the knuckles. “And are you okay?”
“Aye, fine.” He let her hand go and gave her a shrug as if it were no big deal he’d leaped into harm’s way to save her and Dylan.
It was a big deal. A very big deal.
She was about to say so, but Chella pushed her way into the kitchen, her high-heeled sandals making loud clacks against the wood floor. Brandy had asked her not to wear those inside as they dinged her wide-planked barnwood floors, but Chella usually did what Chella wanted.
She stood next to Parker now with a pout on her lipsticked lips. “Parker, that mangy brown wolf pushed his nose right between my legs.”
Brandy bit her lip to keep from laughing over Lug’s antics, but Reardon let out a howl of a laugh, making it impossible for Brandy to contain her own chuckling.
Even Parker laughed. “Lug likes you, baby. I’ve told you this before.” He slid his arm around her waist and pulled her close, dropping a kiss on her cheek that appeared to satisfy her. She managed to shoot a glare toward Brandy and Reardon though.
“Well, I don’t appreciate being sniffed like some kind of animal.”
“Animals sniff to get to know you,” Reardon said. “That wolf is curious.”
“He’s right,” Brandy said. “Besides, Lug is totally harmless.”
“Yeah, until he rips my face off.”