Page 56 of Wolf Kiss
“Whoa there, missy.” Meredith got up and clamped her hands on Brandy’s shoulders to still her. “First of all, I started dinner already. Lasagna, veggies, fresh baked bread. Secondly…” She backed up a step and gave Brandy a judging once-over. “Uh, yeah, go take that shower.” She turned Brandy toward the stairs and gave her a little nudge. “Go on. And put on that purple sundress. It shows off your killer biceps nicely.”
“What? Reardon strikes me as a man who likes killer biceps on a woman.” Meredith shrugged and settled back on the recliner after she swiped the remote from under Dylan.
Brandy took the stairs two at a time. She popped in her bedroom and did a quick tidy of the area, assuming—hoping, really—she and Reardon would be making use of the room again tonight. A buzzy giddiness she rather liked filled her.
After rummaging around in her closet for the dress Meredith had indicated, she skipped into the bathroom. Yeah, skipped. She indulged in a lavender-scented body wash as she scrubbed away the craziness of the day.
Forty-five minutes later she was as primped as she got, wearing the dress with a pair of silver sandals, her long red hair curled and gathered in a loose ponytail at the base of her neck. She’d pulled a few tendrils out to frame her face and had adorned her ears with amethyst teardrop earrings.
She felt… sexy.
Would Reardon think she was? He’d appeared to like her more casual look last night. What she looked like right now could only be considered an upgrade. He was a man after all. Surely he had to appreciate long, exposed legs and soft waves of red hair.
Shit. Why was she nervous all of a sudden? She hadn’t been nervous yesterday. She’d been aggressive and confident, knowing exactly what she wanted from Reardon and what she wanted to give him. Yesterday had been about thanking him for saving her and Dylan, though.
Well, tonight was because she wanted him. Pure and simple.
She made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen where Dylan and Meredith were eating at the small kitchen table. “Hey, why are you guys eating already?”
“We were hungry,” Meredith said. “Besides, the kid’s challenged me to a chess game and I simply cannot refuse such a challenge.”
Dylan giggled as Meredith poked him in his side with her index finger. “You’re gonna regret it, Gram. I plan to crush you.”
“Is that any way to talk to your dear, sweet granny?”
“Sweet?” Brandy let out a laugh. “You haven’t been sweet since… since… you’ve actually never been sweet.”
“Watch it.” Meredith gathered her plate and Dylan’s and stood. “I might forget I left something here and have to come back for it. I mean, I wouldn’twantto interrupt, but…”
Brandy gave her mother a narrow-eyed look then they smiled at each other.
“What would you interrupt, Gram?” Dylan’s blue gaze flicked between Brandy and Meredith as the two of them gaped back at the boy in silence.
“Stuff,” Meredith finally said. “Finish your milk.” She gestured to his still-full glass then turned back to Brandy with a smirk. “I left two salads in the refrigerator and the lasagna is keeping warm in the oven.”
“Thanks, Mom.” Brandy gave Meredith’s arm a squeeze. “What would I do without you?”
“Someday you’ll find out, but not for a very, very, very long time.” Meredith folded Brandy into a hug as Dylan took his empty milk glass to the dishwasher.
“Why are you all dressed up?” He frowned at Brandy’s dress and sandals. It was rare for the kid to see her all gussied up. She rarely gussied. Silver Moon apparel and shorts or cargo pants were the uniform of choice at the sanctuary.
“Reardon is coming over. I thought it might be nice if I dressed up.” Brandy bit her bottom lip as she waited for Dylan’s reaction to that.
He bent to tie his shoe. When he stood again, he tilted his head at her. “You like him?”
“I do.” Another moment of holding her breath. This wasn’t territory the two of them ventured into often. Brandy had only dated a few guys through the years, and Dylan had been much younger then. Now he wasawareof things.
“Me, too. He’s cool.”
Brandy let the breath she’d been holding sift out. “I’m glad you like him too.”
Dylan didn’t say anything more about the topic. Instead he tugged on Meredith’s hand. “I want to play with my chess set. Can you help me pack it up?”