Page 61 of Wolf Kiss
“Aww, shit, Brandy. One of your wolves got shot by that redneck bastard?”
“Yeah. Alator, the newest wolf.”My favorite wolf.Brandy smiled at the way Alator had his head resting on the paw he’d put on her thigh. With barely perceptible movements, he wiggled a little more of his head onto her lap, a little more, a little more until his entire head spanned across both her thighs.
“When is Olsen going to lock up Swift’s ass? I mean, what’s it going to take? Nobody likes him. Today a wolf gets shot, tomorrow it could be a person.”
A ripple of fear undulated through Brandy. It had been exactly what she’d been thinking. It was bad enough she had to worry about her wolves getting hurt, but if Dylan or Meredith or Parker were harmed by Hank, she’d lose it. Sheriff Olsen would be lockingherup. She was certain of it.
“Let’s hope it never comes to a person getting hurt. Parker had security cameras installed, so that should help keep a better eye on things.” She swallowed around the lump in her throat. “So, no mention of a tall, dark-haired man in any of today’s reports then?”
“Not a one. Give me a name though, and I can check more specifically for you.”
“Reardon what?”
“See, here’s the thing…” Boy, did she feel like an idiot. Not only did she and Reardon not exchange phone numbers, she also didn’t know the hunk’s last name. God, she was turning into some kind of backwoods slut who slept with men she barely knew. Ugh. “I don’t know his last name.”
“You made a date with a man whose last name you don’t know?” Colleen chuckled. “Oh, Brandy, Brandy, Brandy. I didn’t know you had it in you, sister.”
“Had what in me? The ability to be a hussy?” She smacked her palm to her forehead and wanted to crawl under a rock.
“Hussy? Brandy, it takes more than that to be a full-fledged hussy. I would know. I have a degree in hussiness, you know. Nothing to be embarrassed about, girlie. I’m glad to hear you’re having some fun with something besides all those wolves.”
“Well, I certainly had fun last night, but he didn’t show tonight.” Now she was back to wondering if he truly wasn’t interested. They’d only had the one night together. It wasn’t as if he owed her any kind of loyalty or anything. She’d been thanking him for saving her and Dylan. Maybe that was just the end of it.
“Has to be a good reason. No man with a functional penis would turn down a second chance to see you, gorgeous.”
“Well, thanks, Colleen. You always know how to cheer me up.”
“If I wasn’t working, I’d come bring you some wine and we could get good and liquored and bash men until the sun came up. Unfortunately, I’m stuck here until 2:00 a.m. this shift.”
“No worries. I’m over it. I’d set out to thank him for saving Dylan and me from that car that crushed my SUV in town yesterday. I wasn’t trying to develop this big, deep relationship.”But, hell, that would have been nice.
“Sure, sure. I get you. A little thank you sex. Fun times. So what are you going to do because he didn’t show?”
“Wallow, I think.”
“Don’t wallow too long. I hear wallowing causes wrinkles and that’d be a damn shame on your lovely face. Let’s get together soon, okay? I believe it’s my turn to crush your tiny ass in Scrabble, is it not?”
“You never win at Scrabble against me, lady.” Colleen was absolutely theworstspeller in the universe, but that didn’t stop her from trying.
“Doesn’t mean I shall give up. I’m a fighter, Brandy. To the d-e-t-h.”
“D-e-a-t-h, Colleen.”
“Right. Whatevs. Call me tomorrow and let’s schedule some girl time.”
“Okay. Thanks. Bye.”
Brandy hung up as Jacob warned Bella to stay away from Edward on the TV. Yeah, as if she was going to listen. That teenager had it bad for Edward, which Brandy never understood because there was Jacob, looking all hot and Native American and werewolf-about-to-shift. Stupid teenage girls. They never saw what was right in front of them.
Snuggling with Alator relieved some of the disappointment of the evening, and Brandy refused to let herself think about the fact that Reardon hadn’t shown. For whatever reason, he hadn’t come and she’d have to deal with it. Forget about it. Move on. She was used to being alone anyway.
“Actually, there’s no need for me to be alone, is there?” She picked up her phone again and texted Meredith.
Reardon didn’t come. Dylan can come home.
A moment later, Meredith texted back.Too late. Kid is unconscious. Didn’t even make it through one Spiderman movie. Return him in the a.m. What happened w/ Reardon?