Page 69 of Wolf Kiss
For the better? For the worse? She wasn’t entirely sure yet.
“If what we saw was real, B, that guy could be a danger to you and Dylan.” Parker put his free hand on her shoulder and shook her a little, his frustration growing. “Surely you see this. I can’t let him hurt you or Dylan.”
“Dylan,” Brandy said. “Where is he?” She looked to Meredith.
“Chella came and got him,” Meredith said. “Parker thought it best if he wasn’t around for whatever happened next.”
Brandy ground her teeth. Chella wasn’t exactly her ideal babysitter choice. The woman wasn’t going to play outside, endure a chess match, or engage in conversation about comic book characters with a ten-year old. On the other hand, Parker was right. Dylan shouldn’t be around until they knew all the facts.
So that was where she’d start. The facts. It was what scientists did.
“I have to go to the police station and talk to Reardon.” She sprinted toward the house with Meredith and Parker right on her heels.
“Brandy, I don’t think talking to him is a good idea right now,” Meredith said. “Let things cool down. Let’s figure this out amongst ourselves first.”
“Figure it out ourselves?” Brandy whipped around and stared at Meredith. “Mom, we can’t figure this out ourselves. You saw the footage. We have no explanation for that. No scientific one anyway.”
“A scientific one is the only one I’ll accept,” Parker said.
“I don’t think it’s the one we’re going to get, but the only person who can give us any kind of explanation is Reardon.” Brandy grabbed her purse and headed for the door again.
“Wait.” Parker hooked his arm around Brandy’s, halting her progress. “We’ll all go.”
“Whatever.” She squirmed out of Parker’s hold and ran back outside, stopping at Meredith’s car because she hadn’t replaced her SUV yet. “Keys?”
Meredith shook her head. “I’ll drive. You’re a little distracted.” She slid into the driver’s seat.
In an attempt not to waste any more time, Brandy let out a huff but climbed into the passenger seat while Parker, still toting the rifle, took the seat behind her.
The drive to the police station was quiet as Brandy reviewed the footage from the security camera she demanded Parker send to her phone. No matter how many times she viewed it, she couldn’t deny that Reardon had gone from man to wolf. Right there. On her land. Among her wolves. Alator, her favorite wolf, and Reardon, the man who’d saved her and Dylan from being crushed by that runaway car—the man who had made love to her as if she were something he couldn’t get enough of—were one in the same.
“Good Lord,” she said and wrenched around to look at Parker. “What if all the wolves at Silver Moon can do this?”
Parker frowned as if it were a ridiculous notion, but Brandy could tell by the way his eyes darted back and forth as he looked up at the roof of the car that he was considering it.
“Lycanthropy could be a real thing, Parker!” An excited buzz zipped through her like a live current. What a discovery!
“Let’s all calm down.” Meredith turned the car into the police station parking lot.
Calm down?Brandy could barely contain herself. She was desperate to see Reardon, to speak to him, to confirm that the topic of her secret research was, in fact, not nonsense.
To confirm he hadn’t stood her up last night. He’d quite possibly been with her all night, just in a form she hadn’t recognized.
When the car was barely parked, Brandy shot out of the passenger seat and bolted for the door to the police station. Meredith and Parker called for her, but she wasn’t stopping. Not when a mystery of this size was waiting for her inside.
She nearly tripped to the front desk where she started babbling. “Hi. I’m Dr. Brandy Wendon. A man was taken into custody a short while ago for trespassing on Silver Moon Sanctuary land. I need to talk to him. Right away.” She blew her hair out of her face then added, “Please. May I talk to him, please?”
The officer at the front desk dragged her gaze from a tablet and blinked slowly at her then narrowed her gray eyes. A frown creased her lips as she took in the sight of Meredith and Parker stumbling in behind Brandy.
“Are you all under the influence or something?” she asked. “Because I can get you all a cozy cell together.”
“Drunk?” Brandy shook her head. “We’re not drunk. I just need to speak with Reardon. Please. I beg you.”
“Because I look like a person who folds in the face of begging.” The officer picked up her tablet and tapped the screen, completely ignoring Brandy, Meredith, and Parker.
Brandy was about to make her plea again. She didn’t care what she had to do to see Reardon. She’d do anything, but Sheriff Olsen came out of his office and leaned against the front desk next to Brandy.
“Why do you want to talk to the man we picked up from your land?” he asked. “Meredith and Parker said he was trespassing. You got something else on him? Something bookable?”