Page 73 of Wolf Kiss
“You don’t have to prove anything to them if you don’t want to. I believe everything you’ve said, Reardon. I trust you.” She cupped his cheek, letting her fingertips play with his left earlobe. When she moved her hand up higher and traced the edge of his ear up under his hair a bit, her eyes widened. “The tip of your ear is gone.”
“As is Alator’s.” He closed his eyes while she fingered the jagged top of his left ear as she had done to his wolf ear so many times. He opened his eyes to find her smiling at him.
“I think a part of me always knew you and Alator shared a… soul.”
“We share a deep love for you as well, fairy lass.”
“I know, big boy.” She winked, and though she hadn’t told him she loved him in return, he was encouraged by her playfulness. “C’mon, let’s get the demonstration for these two over with.”
They got out of the car and walked to where Meredith and Parker both stood, each with their arms folded across their chests like a couple of skeptics.
“Chella’s not here yet?” Brandy asked.
Parker shook his head. “She’ll probably be here any minute, so let’s go, Reardon. Do your thing.”
“Let’s go into the woods a little,” Brandy said. “In case Chella does show up. She’ll scream her head off, and I don’t want Dylan to be scared.”
Parker led the way, Meredith behind him, with Brandy and Reardon following. As they went deeper, the other wolves appeared and wasted no time rubbing themselves against Reardon, welcoming him home.
Home.If only it could be his home.
Swallowing around a tight throat, Reardon continued walking until he felt Brandy staring at him.
“What?” he asked, halting to look at her.
“Nothing. I just love seeing my wolves with you.”
“They are good friends of mine now. Like family.”
“Do you have family? You know, in Ireland? In your time?” The expression on her face told him she feared his answer.
He stroked her cheek, letting his fingers glide over her soft skin. “I have a brother, Jaemus, but I don’t know where Flidae sent him. My mother still lives, but we do not see each other. I only know my father as the man who made me what I am. I saw him on my first change, then never again.”
Brandy stepped into him, her arms going around his waist. She simply held him and he could have stood there for an eternity.
But suddenly Parker was there, a silent demand in his dark eyes.
Reardon peeled Brandy’s arms off him and motioned to Parker. “We have an audience.”
“Damn right you do, buddy,” Parker said. “I’m not leaving you with her until I get explanations.”
“Or you could trust me, Park,” Brandy said. “You know I don’t do things that are irrational or dangerous.”
“Maybe he’s done something to your mind.”
Reardon laughed, earning a glare from Parker. “Mind control is not one of my talents.”
“Well, show us whattalentsyou do have.” Parker gestured to the open field in front of them.
The other wolves had gathered around, and Reardon could feel their energy, filling him, supporting him. He stepped away from Brandy and entered the field.
Brandy walked over to Meredith who put her arm around her daughter’s shoulders. Parker joined them, his face equal parts doubtful and curious.
“Does it hurt?” Brandy asked Reardon. “When you change?”
Her concern touched him. “No. It did at first, but not anymore.”
He yanked his T-shirt over his head and set it on the ground. Meredith let out a sound and Brandy elbowed her.