Page 78 of Wolf Kiss
Flidae’s laughter filled his head.But I rather like the woman’s form. It suits me.
Reardon considered those words. Flidae had taken over Chella’s body? This was bad. And what of Dylan?
I’ve done nothing to the boy. Not yet.
A sharp pain sliced through Reardon’s chest. Dylan must be so scared and it was all his fault. When would he stop hurting people who trusted him?
Parker’s truck skidded to a halt in front of a large, white house with a perfectly manicured front lawn. The property was quite different from anything Reardon had seen in the area and certainly in stark contrast to Silver Moon Sanctuary where he’d spent most of his time. Chella’s house suggested wealth and luxury and taste that went far beyond an appreciation for simple natural beauty. The sanctuary property was wild and carefree and exactly where he wanted to live out the rest of his days if given the chance.
You don’t belong in this time or this place.Flidae didn’t need to remind him, but she appeared to enjoy doing so.
Reardon immediately hated the house looming in front of them, and his wrath over what was potentially happening inside the pompous residency had him jumping out of the truck before Parker had the key out of the ignition.
Brandy scrambled out the same door he’d used and stood beside him for only a heartbeat, then she marched toward the house.
He reached out and grabbed her arm. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“Stronger together, remember? We’re going in there together and getting Dylan and Chella. We’re not wasting another minute.” She tried to maneuver out of his grip, but he tightened his hold.
“No. You stay here with Parker. I’ll send Dylan and Chella out.” Aye. This was a better plan. The farther he kept Brandy from Flidae, the better.
You can’t protect her, wolf. I can get to anyone I want.
Reardon clenched his fist and took a step toward the house, throwing a glance over his shoulder at Brandy. “Stay.”
“You don’t give me commands. I’m not a dog, Reardon.” She pulled on his arm so he had to face her and whispered, “Not yet anyway.” Arching her brow, she gave him a half-grin that reached into his chest and wrapped around his heart. How could she still want to be with him? How could she want to be like him? It washisfault Flidae had Dylan. “Soul mates don’t let each other face things alone.” She slid her hand into his and tugged him forward.
Parker was right behind them. “Should we have a weapon? We’re going in there blind.”
“Weapons will not work on Flidae,” Reardon said. “I’m not sure what will work.”
“Great. That makes me feel so much better.” Parker stepped around them and opened the front door. “Chella?”
A woman who looked very much like Chella came down a long staircase, but Reardon instantly knew the real Chella did not inhabit that body. Where that consciousness had gone was anyone’s guess.
Parker made a move to meet Chella on the stairs, but Reardon let go of Brandy’s hand and pushed Parker aside.
“Flidae, leave her.” His voice came out more commanding than he’d meant it to, but his warrior side was bubbling to the surface under these threatening conditions. “Chella has nothing to do with the situation between us.”
“Maybe not,” Flidae-Chella said. “But her form is so comfortable. I may keep it.”
A strangled sound came from Parker and he gripped the railing on the staircase. “Please, don’t hurt her.”
Flidae-Chella peered around Reardon to look at Parker. “Do you love this body?”
“I love the woman who usually inhabits it,” Parker said. “I beg you. Don’t hurt her.”
Brandy rested her hand on Parker’s shoulder, but her eyes darted around the immediate area, no doubt looking for her son.
“The boy?” Reardon asked. “Where is he?”
“Tucked away.” Flidae-Chella fluffed the folds of the long, flowing skirt she wore. “He’s rather brave for such a small boy. I’m very intrigued by him.”
Now Brandy released a pained sound. “He’s all I have of my sister. Please, Flidae, let’s work something out.”
Flidae-Chella laughed, the echo resonating through the eerily quiet house. “You aim to bargain with a goddess, human?”
“I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my boy… and Reardon.” Brandy slid her hand off Parker’s and stood by Reardon.