Page 86 of Wolf Kiss
What hurt most was that the goddess was not lying. Reardon was all those horrible things and more.
“The Reardon McAlator Dylan and I came to know was none of those things. He protected us in wolf and human forms. He was sweet and playful and caring. He was exactly what our lives were missing.”
Brandy’s voice cracked and Reardon needed to get to her. Mustering every ounce of strength he had, he surged forward and the golden rope snapped in two, allowing him to run to Brandy.
Flidae stumbled out of the way, nearly falling over in the process, but Reardon didn’t stop until Brandy’s hands were rubbing over his fur, until she crouched and wrapped her arms around his neck, until she pressed her lips to his jagged ear and whispered the only words he wanted to hear.
“I love you, Reardon. So much.” She buried her face in the thick fur around his neck.
A strange sensation washed over Reardon as Brandy held onto him. He felt as if he were about to…
Seconds later, his very human arms were around Brandy, squeezing her as close as possible to his very human body.
“I love you too, Brandy. More than I ever thought I was capable of loving anyone.” He captured her mouth and tasted home on her lips. A home he’d always wanted. One he thought he could never have.
“And you still can’t have it.”
Reardon had almost forgotten Flidae was still in the cell with them. He got a painful reminder when she ripped him away from Brandy and threw him across the stone room. His head slammed into the wall with a thud that resonated in his skull like a drumbeat. Something wet oozed out of his nose and when he touched his fingers to it, they came away red with his blood.
“Please, don’t hurt him!” Brandy made a move to run to his side, but Flidae was quicker.
“Fine. I won’t hurt him,” the goddess said. “You will.”
“What do you mean?”
Reardon struggled to remain conscious as blood continued streaming from his nose and the cell spun around him. He fought with his eyes, because if they closed, he feared they might not open again, and he could not leave Brandy at the mercy of Flidae.
Another flash of light sparked in the cell and a fierce-looking sword appeared in Brandy’s hand. It was long and looked mighty sharp, its polished blade nearly glowing with its own power. The sword must have been heavy because Brandy stumbled a little until she got both hands around it. When she realized it was a sword, she unwrapped her hands from the hilt, but the weapon would not drop.
“That’s my little gift to you,” Flidae said, amusement clear in her voice. “Take it.”
“I don’t want it.” Brandy shook her hands. “I have no need for a sword.”
“Maybe not, but I have a need for you to have it.” Flidae lowered to sit on a stone bench in the cell. She rearranged the folds of her billowy cloak then leveled her gaze on Brandy. “I brought you here to further punish this werewolf. This is not a rescue mission, dear girl. He has disregarded my rules, acted selfishly, and has not done anything worthy that I can see.”
“Yes, he has,” Brandy said as she fought against holding the sword. No matter how far she held her fingers apart though, the hilt wouldn’t move from her palms.
“What has he done that is worthy?” Flidae asked, her tone mocking and disbelieving.
“He has loved me and my son.”
“Love is nothing worthy.” The goddess huffed out a breath and rolled her eyes to the ceiling.
“It is the only thing that’s worthy,” Brandy said softly. “Without it, we have nothing.”
“I have much more than love.” Flidae stood. “I have power.”
Brandy let out a scream and Reardon moved so he could lean his back and head against the cold, stone wall to look in her direction. He gasped at the sword tip arrowing for his heart.
“Reardon, I can’t stop it! She’s controlling the sword and me!” Brandy dug her heels in, but the rubber of her boot soles shredded under Flidae’s power. “No, no, no.”
His head hurt so much, but somehow Reardon managed to get to his feet, using the stone wall behind him for support. “Flidae,” he roared. “This is between you and me. Send Brandy back. Now.”
“Spoken like a true Alpha.” Flidae words bounced off the walls, sounding as if they were coming from all directions at once. “Only problem is, I’m the Alpha around here.”
Again, Brandy surged forward with the sword pointed directly at Reardon’s midsection. Her muscles strained as she battled to keep the blade away from him.
He probably deserved this. To meet his end right when he’d found the one person who was truly capable of making him happy. The one person he wanted to make happy as well. The one person who was ready to accept what he was, who embraced it fully and wanted to be turned into a werewolf like him.