Page 90 of Wolf Kiss
“I love you so much,” Reardon said as he shuddered inside her, causing the most amazing sensations to ripple throughout her body, touching her soul somehow.
Soul mates.Yes, that was what they were. The very definition.
“I love you too.” She tightened her hold on him as she crested over the wave he’d built between them and floated into pure bliss.
He slowly lowered them so he could sit on the edge of the stone bench in the cell. Resting his forehead against hers and breathing raggedly while she sat in his lap, still surrounding him, Reardon said, “Let’s go home.”
Was there anything more beautiful than his soul mate wearing his bite marks proudly on her neck? He’d finally claimed her and nothing would ever tear them apart. Nothing.
“Why aren’t we zapping back to the sanctuary?” Brandy asked.
Reardon detected the change in her heartbeat, the increased rhythm of her breathing, the somewhat wild look in her blue eyes.
“You haven’t turned yet.” He smoothed his hand over her long red waves of hair. “I can’t wait to see your wolf form.”
The smile Brandy gave him could have set an ocean on fire. Full of excitement, desire, allegiance to him. He’d never felt so completely bonded with anyone. He couldfeelher.
“How long will it take for me to shift?” Brandy held her arms out as if expecting to see wolf legs.
Reardon cupped her chin and stared into her eyes. The blue was now electric, softly glowing, and intense. “Judging by the light in your eyes, I’d say we’ll be on our way in seconds.”
“Really?” Brandy gripped his biceps. “My eyes are glowing like yours do?”
“Aye. A brilliant shade of blue, fairy lass. They’re lovely.”
Brandy leaned forward and pressed her lips to Reardon’s. In the next moment, she stumbled off his lap and wrapped her arms around her stomach, an expression of pain scrunching up her face.
“What is it?” He stood, gripped her shoulders, and found her skin hot to the touch. “Aye, it’s the change. Are you ready?”
Brandy nodded then let out a cry as she sunk to her knees.
Reardon winced, thinking about the stone floor connecting with her kneecaps.Soon small pains like that won’t mean anything to her.For once in his life, he felt as if being a werewolf was, in fact, a gift. A gift he was able to share with her.
“It’s happening!” Brandy looked up at him, her blue eyes on full glow now.
After a powerful roar, her flesh rippled, her bones crackled, and gorgeous copper-colored fur covered her wolf form. Her eyes remained blue and her new body was lithe, sleek, and fit. She stole his breath away with her beauty.
Brandy shook out her body then wagged her tail at him. That was all the invitation he needed. He shifted and immediately rubbed noses with her.
This is amazing.Her thoughts rang out loud and clear in his own mind.
Wolf looks good on you.That earned him a sloppy lick on his jagged ear.
We can hear each other?She rubbed along his side.
We are more connected than two people can ever be. Body, mind, soul.Reardon couldn’t stop looking at her.You are truly a sight, fairy lass.
Brandy turned in a circle as if trying to see herself. When she pressed her nose to his again, the stone cell around them flashed out of existence and was replaced by a field of crunchy, dead grass.
Where are we?he asked.
Again, she turned in a circle. The sun reflected off her fur and got caught in those marvelous eyes.
Hank Swift’s field just past the sanctuary’s borders.
Reardon scanned the trees nearby, happy that home was so close. But first…