Page 16 of Monster Lover
“What’s that?”
“I need to replenish my energy, my ability to teleport and move better.”
“What do you need? Sleep?”
“Hardly,” she said as she bit her lower lip.
He paused and looked at her as she undid a section of her cloak covering her shoulders and revealed her curves, tight beneath her blouse. “This is hardly the time. Are you teasing me?”
“No,” she said. “I am a succubus; this is how I gain my energy.” She moved her hands over her body lasciviously.
“At my expense?” Harlin asked. “I don’t think so,” he said, walking on.
“Are you rejecting this?”
“Yes,” he called over his shoulder.
“Nobody rejects Daemona Dardaniels!”
“I just did,” Harlin repeated.
“But it’s for the good of the mission. You need my powers!”
“I need to keep on my toes, not get leeched and left behind by you. It seems you were going to leave us at Tish’s but the witches got their first. Maybe they did me a favor and then again maybe they didn’t.”
“Why you!” grated Daemona. “I’m here aren’t I? I wasn’t going to run away.”
“I still need to get someone to help replenish my powers,” she said.
“And if we find someone willing, I’ll wait for you to get it done,” said Harlin with a grin.
“Spoken like a true cuck,” she snapped.
“Don’t be bitter,” he said. “Besides I can’t be a cuck, you’re not mine by any stretch.”
“That’s not what you told King Graymont,” she countered.
“I did say you were mine for the mission, but not a bed. Get it right.”
She frowned at that but decided now was not the time to keep up the argument. The fog was getting dangerously thick.
Ghul Lykos called to them from somewhere in the fog. “Over here. I think this is as good a place as any to cross.”
They went toward the sound of his voice because they already had lost sight of him to the mist.
“Not a good idea to shout like that,” said Harlin. “Not to mention wandering away without a word.”
Daemona chuckled. “Magic Swamp Man is lost already.”
Harlin frowned. “Trust me, he knows his business. Usually.”
“Mmmhmm.” She snickered.
They stalked toward the sound of his voice and still didn’t find Ghul Lykos, but realized they were tromping through a pumpkin patch crawling with spindly green vines and large orange fruit. The smell was unwholesome and not at all like the usual rich, earthy scent of a garden.
“I can’t see his tracks anymore because of this foliage,” Harlin said to himself as much as to Daemona.