Page 41 of Monster Lover
“You’re not going alone,” said Ghul Lykos.
“No, you’re not,” agreed Ivy.
Daemona hid her smile and gave them each a nod before saying, “Miniver, you stay on the boat with Esmerelda.”
He saluted saying, “Will do, cap’n.”
“But I want to come with you,” Esmerelda pleaded.
Ghul Lykos said, “Not this time, we don’t know what’s down there, and we are taking a serious chance. You’ll be safer up here.”
Esmerelda stamped her foot and defiantly took a few steps forward.
Daemona kneeled and put her hand on Esmerelda’s shoulder. “You’re my backup. If there’s trouble, you’ll come and get us out.”
Esmerelda turned to look at Miniver, but he just shrugged.
Daemona gave Miniver a very cross shake of her head, signaling that they were in no way to follow them no matter what. She could tell by the look in his eyes that there was no danger of him following them into the sunken tower. He was too big a coward to do that. Or was that the real courage? To know when you’re in over your head and the smart thing to do is run? Maybe I should have run before all of this began, she thought. Before I made the mistake of starting to care about my companions. Too late now, she chided herself.
The steps were cold and wet but seemed sure enough. They brought only their weapons, a handful of food, and lanterns. They wanted to move without anything else burdening them so they could be fast if they had to. Bats flitted up from somewhere below.
“Something spooked them,” said Ghul Lykos.
“Are you sure it wasn’t us?” asked Daemona.
“They wouldn’t move just because we’re way up here. Something far below disturbed them.”
Gradually, the dim light turned to blackness and they lit the lanterns. Curious things scuttled at their feet: huge centipedes a foot long or more, and roaches as big as their hands. The air was musty and rancid; everything smelled of fungus and corruption. Once, Daemona made the mistake of running her hand along the stone wall, and it came away sticky with a gooey red slime.
They continued downward until they were an island of light in a black sea of infinity. The stairs and tunnel had curved, and they were soon in a vast underground chamber connected to the sinkhole above. Stalactites and stalagmites pointed up and down like the teeth of giants. Drops of cold water hit their necks every now and again, and Daemona had to continually check that it wasn’t the saliva of some foul beast. Odd, repugnant sounds echoed softly from somewhere in the unseen gulfs, and Daemona didn’t want to imagine what could be making those noises.
Ruins of armor and the skeletons of fallen adventurers littered the floor of the cavern and left little doubt as to what happened to the unlucky travelers.
“Still think this is the answer we seek?” asked Daemona.
“I know of no other way, but if we find no sign of the wizard, I suggest we go back and fulfill the mission regardless of poor Harlin.”
“Agreed,” said Ivy, taking Ghul Lykos’s hand.
Daemona ground her teeth together, but she held her tongue for the moment. It seemed to her that they had only just begun in seeking out the wizard. It has only been a few hours hasn’t it? But as they searched the cavern, she was forced to admit there was no sign that anything but monsters dwelled there.
At times Daemona thought she heard footsteps following them, but she never saw anything. A wailing and moaning echoed from somewhere deep in the cave. It sounded like a person in agony.
“Wind?” asked Ivy.
“I doubt it,” answered Ghul Lykos.
“I feel like we are being watched,” said Daemona.
“Likely as not,” agreed Ghul Lykos, “but we must continue a little longer until I can feel we have done our best.”
“Just a little longer?” jabbed Daemona. She opened her satchel to look at Harlin again.
“Ribbit,” he answered.
After another hour of fruitless searching, they found themselves on the edge of a precipice with a channel of water running swiftly below. “I think we should head back. It will take us the rest of the day just to reach the others,” said Ghul Lykos.
Daemona could see that Ivy agreed with him. “I don’t want to give up.”