Page 65 of Perfect Pact
“I’m so sorry.” I reach over and grab my cell phone off the nightstand and answer it. “Hello?”
“Good morning, Mrs. Michaels. This is Alice from Bradford Bank.”
“Hello, Alice. I do have one request. Can you either call me Beth or Ms. Michaels? I’m getting a divorce,” I answer, not caring who knows. I’ve tried to avoid the questions since the day Bobby left me. No more. We’ve been separated for five years. I deserve to be happy.
Dusty fist-pumps the air like a caveman.I love it.
I hold my hand over the phone. “Stop it.”
“I’m sorry?” Alice asks.
“Oh, nothing. A wasp was flying around. I had to kill it.”
Dusty frowns.
“That’s okay. Listen, I hate to call you on a Saturday, but I just heard back about your loan and thought you would like to know where you stand.”
“I do.” I send up a silent prayer that I get the amount I requested.
“Well, you didn’t get approved for the business loan, but…”
All the air deflates out of me. After everything I’ve been through. After how hard I’ve worked to get here, it’s still not enough.
“You did get approved for a personal loan, though, if you put the barn up for collateral. The interest is higher because of your current credit score, but don’t let that bother you. This loan should help with that.”
“How much was I pre-approved for?” I ask, afraid of knowing the answer. Any money is better than no money. Plus, if I have to use the “cable” money, I can do that.
“Twenty thousand.”
“Listen, Mrs…” Alice pauses and backtracks. “Beth…I know this isn’t what you planned, but I’m confident you will make this work and give Mason Creek a place to celebrate.
I’m glad she believes in me. I’m not sure I do. I was hoping for at least thirty.
“Thank you, Alice. What’s the next step?”
“Come in to the bank on Tuesday. The loan officer will be here for you to finalize the paperwork.”
“That’s great. Alice, thank you for all your help.”
“No problem, Beth. Have a wonderful weekend.”
“You too.” I press the red button and end the call.
“So?” Dust crawls up to where I am and props his head on a mountain of pillows. “What did she say?”
Doubt creeps in. I had a plan, and even though it’s still something, it has me doubting everything.
“I don’t know, Dusty. Maybe I should wait.”
“You bein’ serious right now?” He pushes himself up so we are eye to eye. “You have busted your ass over there. I’m not going to let you drop the anchor and stop sailing. You are going to set your sails and fucking cross that ocean.”
I can’t help, but smile. This man is incredible.
“You think that’s funny?” Dusty furrows his brow.
“Oh no…quite the opposite.” I give him a chaste kiss on the lips before hopping out of the bed and taking the top sheet with me. “I think I’m a very lucky lady.”