Page 71 of Perfect Pact
“Cole made me a deal.” Jillybean smiles, rocking back and forth.
“Did he, now?” Charlee looks around for Cole, who seems to be making himself scarce.
“Yep. He promised me one-hundred suckers. I couldn’t pass it up.”
“Did he, now?”
“Uh-huh! He said you made a deal too, for the driveway, and got a lot more than you bargained for.”
I nearly choke holding in my laughter.
“Okay, I think that’s enough.” She pats her daughter’s head. “Go find Daddy and see if he needs help. Sorry—”
“Don’t be. She’s right.”
“Note to self: stop letting Cole babysit.” She laughs.
“I’ll go put these cupcakes at the house.” Charlee walks off. Who would have thought one day we would be…friends—that any of these people would be my friends?
I can see now that good people have always been in Mason Creek, it just took the right person to help me open my eyes and heart to see what’s been right in front of me all along.
The next few hours pass in a blur. People I’ve known my whole life and people I’ve never met show up. Thedriveway and yard are filled with cars. Everyone here to make my dreampossible.
One last car stops near the house as I walk onto the porch with fresh iced tea pitchers.Lance, Dusty’s brother is here. Dusty looks over, as shocked as I’ve been all day.
“Long time no see, brother.” He pulls him in for a man hug, slapping his back.
“I wouldn’t miss delivering this in person. Plus, looks like I picked a good day.”He hands me an envelope. “Consider it ahousewarming gift.”
I open it up to seedivorce papers. Not just any divorce papers—signed divorce papers!
“Lance…I—” I’m so choked up, I can’t find the words. I look at Dusty, and my heart flip-flops in my chest.
“All they require is your JohnHancock, and I’ll handle therest.” He holds out a pen, and I sign before he can finish explaining.
“Thank you so much.” I hand him the papers and pull him infor a hug. A very brief hug since Dusty clears his throat and cuts in.“Look at me!” He motions to everyone working. “I build dreams!”
“That, you most certainly do.” The tears I’ve been holding back begin falling.
He kisses my lips before kissing all my tears away. When we pull back, I realize all eyes are on us. Catcalls, cheers, and whistles fill the air.
Looking into my eyes, he whispers, “My grandfather was right. This is my home. I may have left, but it’s always where I should have ended up.”
“I’ve never felt like I belonged anywhere, and maybe that’s because home is where the heartisand my heart has been waiting for you,” I tell Dusty. “I justhad to learn to let down my walls.”
“Good thing I came in like a wrecking ball.” He kisses me once more before the bullhorn cuts our magic moment short.
“Show’s over, folks—back to work!” Cole orders, winking at us.