Page 2 of Dangerous Seduction
His brow crinkles and he frowns, "It is not safe for three very attractive women to be walking around always."
Please don't sell us into slavery, please don't sell us into slavery. All I can think of is how unsafe being here with this man and all of his trained thugs really is.
"You will take my grandson with you. He will provide you protection while you are visiting our city."
"Oh, we wouldn't want to put you out or be a bother."
"It’s no bother. I insist." He calls one of his men over and whispers in his ear. For the first time since we sat down beside her, my mother looks less than thrilled and maybe a little worried. We all wait until a shadow fills the entranceway of the VIP section and in steps a tall, well-built man with striking eyes. "Akio, Akio, come." He waves the man over and speaks to him in Japanese. The man doesn't look at anyone but his grandfather.
Hoshi leans over to me and whispers in my ear, "He is telling his grandson that we need protection and that he would like him to guard us."
The son speaks in rapid Japanese back to him. By the look on his face, he doesn't seem pleased to be put on guard duty.
"The grandson is saying he is not a babysitter."
The grandfather speaks again and the tension in the room ratchets up so high it’s almost tangible. The grandfather slams his hand down on the table and speaks again.
"He is telling him to not disrespect us or him by calling it that. He says it is a favor for his grandfather that the boy should do out of respect and love for him."
"I don't think you can call him a boy, Hoshi," I whisper back to her but the room goes silent and I feel like I am at the center of attention for some reason. God, I hope I didn't say something that is going to cause problems for us. I straighten and turn to find the grandson's attention fully on me. His gaze bores into me before he turns back to his grandfather who is watching all of this with a very interested eye.
Without looking away from me he speaks to his grandfather who is sending curious looks back and forth between me and his grandson. "I'll do it, grandfather."