Page 21 of Always
When the morning sun spills in our room she's still sound asleep. I spend a few hours just staring at her sleeping so peacefully. I know she was scared yesterday. I could tell by how she moved and the way she acted but there's none of that this morning. Her eyes come open with soft flutters and she gives me the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.
"We have to pack so we can make the plane." I brush some of her hair out of her face, putting it behind her ear as I watch her frown. "I promised I would take you to visit Ivy."
The frown doesn't leave, "Just visit though, right?"
"You want to come back to the island?" I struggle to hold back my smile
"Hell yes! I mean, yeah." I can't hold it in any longer. Seeing her struggle to be cool about wanting to stay here with me makes me too damned happy.
"Yeah, just to visit, little one. Then we come home."
"Can, um, Ivy come here to visit sometimes?"
I make sure I look her in the eyes when I answer her, "This is your home, you can have whoever you want to come here."
I get the second smile of the day. I plan to make it my life's work to see as many on her face in a day as I can get there. We have breakfast on the porch facing the ocean and then I have her for dessert on the plane. She's a ball of energy by the time we touchdown in the city of angels.
We drive to Wes's house and I call ahead to make sure we don't walk into anything that might scar both of us for life - all four of us. I've kept in touch with Wes telling him a watered-down version of what happened. I know he's been all over her best friend so the chances of us coming in while one of them is ass up are pretty good. Wes invites us in right away and shows us where Ivy is. I hang back so Ariel can have some time with her friend. She bursts through the door and jumps on the bed where a naked dark-haired girl is sitting in the middle of the Wes's bed with a death grip on the sheet covering her.
She's pretty but I only have eyes for my little redhead. She goes on a chatter binge finally ending with her telling Ivy that she had sex. It's then my little one realizes she isn't the only one who has some big things to talk about. The woman looks a little befuddled but gives Ariel a hug anyway. I imagine that is how a lot of people look at Ariel - awed and a little shocked that she graced you with her presence.
Wes suggests giving the girls time to catch up so I follow him down the hall to his office. He fills a glass with bourbon and instead of sitting behind his desk he takes the chair in front of it with me.
"How are we going to follow them without them knowing about it?" Wes asks before we say a word to one another. I'm grateful that I have friends like Wes who understand my obsession for my girl. He understands because he has the same obsession. He did after all call me to find out where his girl would run if she ever tried to run away from him. Thinking about how that led me to Ariel makes me even more grateful.
"Thank you." Wes looks like he's lost on where I am taking the conversation. People like me and him don't really 'talk' a lot about what we're feeling. "If you hadn't contacted me to help you with Ivy I would never have found my Ariel. I owe you more than I can ever repay."
He holds up his hand. "No thanks necessary, brother. You've always had my back and I'm just happy I could give you something that makes you as happy as I am with Ivy. I've wanted that for you for a long time now, Auggie. You deserve having someone as sweet and good as Ariel."
Fuck, I blink to hold in the emotion swamping through me at Wes's words and down my bourbon. Then after a silent moment where both of us are thinking about our girls, I finally stand up, "The real question isn’t how are we going to not be seen it's how long will we give them before we stop pretending to give them space?"
Wes throws his head back and laughs. Both of us know we aren't going to last an hour.