Page 23 of Always
Epilogue One
We've spent a couple of weeks here with Wes and Ivy and I can tell how much my girl loves being around her best friend. I watch them from a shady spot in the yard as she runs around the pool with her splashing and just being happy. That's why I talked to Wes about building a house on the island. Not too close of course. Both of us want our privacy to fuck our girls wherever we may be. In fact, thinking about fucking Ariel in the pool as the lights come on across the water has me wondering if it might be time to head back.
Ariel got busy making new clothes for Ivy so she could go to a couple of awards shows with Wes and I have to admit she has a true talent for seeing what kind of dress lies inside the raw fabric she's given. I don't understand how she does it but I don't have to understand to know she's good. I see her follow Ivy in before coming back out with drinks and more snacks.
I watch as she takes the twenty from her new friend that Ivy introduced her to. They had a bet on what was taking Ivy so long and my girl won. The new girl also asked Ariel to start making her clothes too. When she asked I beamed with so much pride in my girl. If this keeps up we'll have to have a house here so she can take measurements and have meetings with actresses and shit in town. We hear a loud scream that has my girl running for the house to find out what is going on. I follow at a much slower pace. I have my suspicions about what it might be.
When I come around the corner of the hall I find Ariel hugging Ivy. Both women are crying and talking all at once. I see Wes stand looking smug as hell. We share a smile before Wes goes to wrap Ivy in his arms. I try to do the same with Ariel but she turns in mine.
"Did you hear? Ivy's having a baby!" She jumps up and down in my arms making me horny and happy. "That has me thinking about a whole line of maternity wear I could do for actresses but also for the everyday new moms out there as well. I'm going to need more material."
She pulls away and mutters it to herself but I reach back out for her. "That sounds wonderful, little one but you also need to make time to rest."
"Rest? Why would I rest when there is so much to do?" I see Wes pulling Ivy into their bedroom and think about doing the same with my girl. It isn't that long of a walk from the pool area to our guest house. But I refrain because of the other girl. I can tell once I got Ariel off a handful of times and she woke back up she would feel bad for leaving her friend all alone.
"Because Ivy isn't the only one, baby."
"Isn't the only one what? Pregnant and wanting new clothes? I know, that is what I was saying about having so much to do before I can get a full line of maternity wear out. I'll have to do undergarments as well and they'll have to be soft because pregnant ladies deserve something soft while they grow a tiny human inside of them otherwise it's just mean."
I shake my head, "No baby, she isn't the only one trying to grow a tiny human."
"I'm sure hundreds of other women get to enjoy that too but Ivy is the only one I know personally."
"Baby, you know one soon-to-be mother very closely. Even closer than Ivy."
She snarls up her little nose at me, "Who do I know better than Ivy? I know Ivy better than I know myself. You're not making any sense, Auggie."
I raise my brows hoping that she will catch on soon. I don't think she's being deliberately naïve, she just hasn't thought of herself in that way ever. I have a quick second to worry if she will be alright with this before it dawns on her what I've said.
"No," she shakes her head in disbelief. "That's not possible. I would be able to tell before you if I was having a baby."
I laugh before lifting her in my arms and telling the other girl to make herself at home and that Wes and Ivy will be out soon. I have her laid out on the bed in no time. She still has that stunned look all over her face.
"I would be able to tell, Auggie."
"When was your last period?"
"Oh good grief, Auggie I wouldn't know that even if I wasn't trying to think about it. I never keep up with stuff like that." I nuzzle into her warm, still-flat belly before I laugh at her words. She's right. When she's thinking about work or school or me or Ivy she isn't thinking about anything else - including herself. That's why she needs me. I'll always be thinking about her.
"You've been kind of moody lately."
"No, I've been cranky because I don't get enough sleep because some big bruiser of a man keeps me up all night fucking my brains out. Not that I'm complaining." She giggles before accepting my kiss. I run more up and down her throat. "Besides men aren't supposed to call women out on their moodiness. It's not polite."
"Baby, I've never been polite and I'm intimately aware of my little one's body. Better than she knows herself. You mentioned you being tired all the time but I promise it has nothing to do with me keeping you up all night. You've also been eating more."
"God damn it, Auggie. You're about to kill the mood talking about how damn cranky I am and now you call me fat because I've been stress eating."
"What have you been stressed about?"
"I don't know. Lots of things I guess." She still doesn't want to believe me but I have the rest of our lives to convince her I know her inside and out."
"Name one." She growls at me when she can't come up with one. "And I was most definitely not calling you fat. You are sexy as hell and will be sexier when you're belly grows round with my child."
She gasps when I spread her legs apart and lick up her center. "You've been hornier recently too."