Page 3 of Always
Chapter Two
A large hand reaches around me to scoop me up while the other hand wraps around my mouth to stop me from screaming out. It is big enough that it stops me from breathing too and panic starts to eat at me. As many bad situations as I have been in, none of them have been this bad. My body feels like it is hot and cold at the same time while my stomach rolls at the possible thought of this only getting worse from here.
The arm around me never gives me a chance to touch the ground or find any way to not go with the person behind me. Damn my short legs. All I can do is scratch at his arm and hope that he lets me take a breath soon. He has me across the street and shoved into an SUV in no time, too quickly for anyone on the street to see me or do anything to help me. Not that there are a lot of people on the street. In fact, I can't see a single person that I could scream out to if I had the chance.
He pushes me in the car and no amount of grabbing and pulling the other way helps me. I am good and truly fucked this time. I turn and go for the other door as he gets in his side. Maybe I can get out this side and run for it. I pull on the handle but it doesn't open. Shit, either he's locked the controls or he's jammed this side somehow because even when I hit the button for the door locks nothing happens.
I try the windows next thinking I'll just fling myself out the fucking window if I can get it down but he's got those locked too. I turn and start kicking at the fucking glass. I'm desperate at this point and I don't care.
"Stop." He turns me so that he’s half lying on top of me before I can really do any damage to the fucking window though and I start flailing out hoping to hit him hard enough to hurt him.
For a few minutes, all we do is fight one another. Well, I fight and he blocks most of my attempts to hurt him. I resort to punches and get one good one in right across his cheek that makes his head snap to the opposite side. I know I am going to be feeling that tomorrow if I have a tomorrow, but right now adrenaline has me so wound up that I can't feel anything but an overwhelming urge to escape.
I go for another hit but he has my wrist in one of his big hands. This is the man from the café and the library and the college. He is the man I thought was cute. Now all his cute has worn off and all he is making me feel is fear and fuck him for it too. I use my other hand and get another hit in. I would be kicking too but his weight has pinned my lower body down so tight I can't begin to lift my legs or bring my knee high enough to kick him in the crotch.
His lip is bleeding from where I landed my second hit but he has my wrist held to my other arm now and he can do pretty much whatever he wants to me. He bends down low and I go in for a head butt but he is too fast - this time. I hear him chuckle over me and my fear ignites to rage. I'm pissed that this guy thinks this is funny and that he put me in this situation. I'm livid that he has to be such a fucker! I'm mad at myself for thinking I would be alright on my own and mad at the world for proving me wrong and mad at this guy for being the only man I let my guard down around long enough that he got me where he wanted me.
I'm also getting tired and no amount of fighting is going to make this alright.
"I love that you have so much fight in you. With the proper amount of training you'll fuck someone dead up if they try to do what I did."
I still at his words. Proper amount of training? What the hell does that mean? Is he going to let me live past today? Is he going to try to make me some sort of sex slave that he keeps...?
"I'm with Wes so you don't have to be afraid." His sentence cuts into my mental rant.
Is this guy for real? I don't have to be afraid of him because he dropped a name I would recognize? How stupid does this guy think I am? He snatched me off the street!
"I'm taking you to Ivy." His words stop me from struggling against him any longer. If he knows Ivy and Wes surely he isn't trying to kill me. Right? Or is he just using people I'll recognize to make me calm down so he can make my kidnapping easier? Doesn't matter in the end.
"What? I can't go to Ivy!" He loosens his hold on me and sits back a little. I don't know how a man his size can move so easily in the confines of an SUV but he does. "She's...I have to stay here. I have class and can't just..."
"That's why I waited to take you on a Friday." He says it like it all makes perfect sense. This man is not stable. He isn't working with a full deck. His crayon box is short a few colors.
I open my mouth to tell him he is out of his mind when he reaches past me and pulls something out from under his seat. It takes me a few seconds to figure out what it is and by the time I realize it’s too late. He has my arms back up over my head and the needle in my outstretched pinned arm before I can fight him again.
"Don't worry Ariel, I will make sure you are safe and taken care of. I won't let anything happen to you."
His words start to slur but I don't think it's him that's doing it. I think it is the way I am hearing them. The world starts to go fuzzy around the edges and I don't really care so much anymore that this big lug is over me or that he grabbed me off the street. I can't move my arms when he takes away his hold on me. Instead of lowering them I just leave them above my head, leaving myself open for whatever it is he wants to do to me.
His arms run down mine before he gets to my throat where he circles my neck with his large, rough hand. This man isn't as smooth and handsome as I once thought. He still could knock a nun out of her knickers but something about the way he looks at me tells me this man is all too intimate with death. His next words don't help alleviate that theory.
"You're mine now and I won't let anything touch what belongs to me."