Page 14 of Raiding Road
Chapter five
‘Dogs of War’ Blues Saraceno
She’s putting the pieces together, figuring out who we are and I’m not sure if that’s good or not. I don’t know shit about her besides the fact that I definitely need to keep her restrained and away from sharp objects. I finish cleaning my blood from her and toss the rag in the sink before lifting her off the counter. She hardly weighs anything but the muscles on her show it’s only my Alpha strength that makes her seem so light.
Deciding to change the subject, I pull the blankets back and flip the pillow over, “There’s only a few hours left until dawn. Try to get some sleep.”
Jaz twists to the side, showing her cuffed hands behind her back, “And how do you expect me to sleep with these?”
I pull out the key from my pocket, dangling them, “Now, lay down and sleep. It’s a long ride to the compound and we’ve been gone longer than we wanted.”
She stomps over to me, mumbling words under her breath that sound like,bossy wolf.I ignore it and wait for her to turn around so I can uncuff her. As I slip the key in, I prepare myself for her attack, but her loud yawn tells me she’s too tired to fight me right now. It’s adamned if you do, and damned if you don’t,situation. Tomorrow she’ll be well rested and will more than likely put up a fight, but if I don’t let her sleep, she’ll fall off the bike on the long ride. I’ll just have to cuff her and put her in front of me on the ride.
As if reading my thoughts, Jaz speaks through a second yawn as she rubs her wrist, “I’ll go without a fight if you let me ride alone.”
I gently push her to the mattress, holding my breath before I end up ripping her clothes from her body. The entire time I was cleaning her, wiping her tanned skin and feeling her heartbeat erratically when my fingers made contact, I had to force my wolf back. Hell, since fighting her outside, I had to maintain control before my wolf laid claim to her. It was fucking difficult and I’m having a hard time maintaining control. If I don’t get out of this small room and breathe air that’s not filled with her pheromones and unique scent, I’m liable to say fuck it all and rut this woman until dawn.
“We’ll talk about it in the morning, now give me your arm.”
“What? Why? I’m not going to run,”
“I don’t trust you. Give me your arm before I end up doing something stupid, Jaz.”
She holds her arm to her chest, a blush working its way up her chest and neck while the sweet scent of her arousal reaches my nose.Fucking hell, she’s going to kill me.
Growling, I reach down and gently, or as gently as I’m capable of, pull her arm above her head, cuffing her to the headboard. I can feel her pulse beating fast in her wrist which only makes my mind fog with even more lust.Dammit.
I had planned on making her beg for what she so obviously wants, but it seems like all she’d have to do is nod her head and I’d dive face first into her wet pussy. And I know just how wet she can get. When I had her in my arms earlier, tasting her delicious skin and feeling her grind against me, I felt like I would explode in my joggers. I know she’s going commando under those short ass shorts. With her short ashy hair, tight muscle shirt and shorts that are frayed on the ends and showing the bottom of her ass cheeks… fuck, just watching her stand there makes me want to blow my load.
Finally having her cuffed to the bed, I stand straight and turn for the door, but her sleepy voice stops me, “I’ve been searching for you, Roman,” Fuck, my name on her lips,Ancients have mercy,“I won’t run from you again.”
I don’t trust her, or at least, I don’t want to trust her, but the truth in her words rings loudly. I nod my head anyway and open the door. Actions speak louder than words, I’ll only believe the little minx when she proves she can be trusted.
Case is standing just outside the door when I step out. Leaning against the wall, he takes a deep inhale, “Fuck, baby girl smells needy,”
I grab him by the arm and throw him to the ground, but he rolls away when my foot comes slamming down toward his face, missing him by inches. The fucker jumps to his feet and laughs, hopping around like he’s a Mohammed Ali or some shit.
Case is my brother, the least serious member of the Cutthroats. He’s deadly as hell, the best sharpshooter in the MC, and as loyal as they come, but his flirting and teasing ends tonight.
“What’s the matter, Prez? Jazzy cakes got your sweet tooth working, aching for a bite?” Case goads as we circle each other.
Jaz is right, my brothers and IareAlphas and we’re evenly matched in almost everything. Where I lack the joking demeanor, Case has it in spades, where Atticus has a short fuse, I have double the patience. We balance each other out in everything but in this one thing, inanythingconcerning Jaz, I will not bend. For some annoying reason, I can’t stop craving her.
My wolf howls in my head, agreeing with me.
“I’m giving you one warning, fuckface, stop antagonizing me. I swear to Ancients, I’ll skin your hide if you continue.”
Case shrugs, “I’ll stop when you explain to me why the hell, you’re so willing to fight me, your brother, over some pussy.”
This asshole just won’t take a fucking warning at face value. Taking a page from Jaz’s book, I feint right, acting as though I’m going for an opening, but change directions and swing with my left as he leans into it. My fist connects with his temple, knocking his head to the side. Case isn’t a beta though; his stamina is just as strong as mine. He grips my bicep with his left and spins, throwing me over his shoulder, but I expected the move, and land on my feet.
Using his grip on my arm, I spin back, slamming my elbow into his ribs before hooking my foot around his ankle and taking him to ground. I hover over him, snarling in my face before Atticus comes out of his room, barking at us.
“Enough, pinheads. Get to fucking bed, you’re both acting like prospects trying to patch in.” Atticus turns and goes back into his room before slamming his door shut.
“I don’t trust her, Case. My wolf may want to claim her, I’ll admit that, but I don’t know her. All she’s shown so far is that she’s willing to say and do whatever she can to get her way. Your flirting and teasing only makes things more complicated.”