Page 43 of Raiding Road
Chapter nineteen
‘Work’ Pop Evil
“Man, your sister is scary as hell,” Knox says as he and Knix slide into the seats in front of Roman and I. We decided we’d come down to the dining hall and eat before Roman makes today’s announcements.
“What do you mean? You’ve seen her,” I look over at Roman, “she’s been released?”
Roman’s chest rumbles as he glares at Knox who quickly lowers his head and apologizes. I’m not sure how sorry he is though because he immediately snaps open a blood bag and drinks it down without a hint of remorse.
“She hasn’t been released but one of the old ladies needed help carrying food and clothes up to her room earlier. I’m guessing Knox was the helper.”
“Yeah, and she gives me the fucking creeps. She kept staring at me, non-fucking-stop. No matter where I moved, her eyes—not her head—followed me. Like one of those creepy paintings.” He gives an exaggerated shiver which has me rolling my eyes.
“I’d like to go see her,” I start to say but Roman is already shaking his head, “Listen, I know she’s a danger, but I have to see her. I need answers about my past, and we also need to find out more about the Dark Bloods. She’s cuffed with silver, plus I can take care of myself. But she still has people out there and if we don’t get as prepared as we can, we’ll be caught with our pants down.”
“Again,” Knix adds softly.
Roman stares at me for a moment. I can see all the different scenarios he’s imagining this meeting could go, and no matter how badly I want to remind him that I’m capable of protecting myself, I let him work it out for himself. This isn’t the time for pride and ego. We are a team, one soul, two bodies. For this to work between us, we need to allow compromise.
There’s plenty of things that can go wrong; this woman who makes a part of my heart ache, could very well be an imposter. A Dark Blood with an unfathomable amount of power, or a Witch with Demons on her contact list…or she could simply be my sister who was put in a bad position.Just because my life turned out good does not mean hers did. Perhaps she has the chains of her past still tightly wrapped around her. No matter the case, if she is my sister, I’ll be damned if I don’t help her gain the strength to break them.
“Fine, but we all go with you.” Roman finally concedes.
Knox drops his empty blood bag, pulling our attention to him as Knix rolls her eyes, “Uh, forgive me, Alpha, but the only way I’ll go near her is if you drag me back in there.” His sharp teeth are covered in blood and makes his serious look a little comical.
“What a puss, Knox,” his sister elbows him before looking at Roman, “I’ll go.”
Roman looks at her with something akin to pride. Like an Alpha watching his youngest soldier claim warrior status. It has my chest squeezing with warmth.
“Thank you, Knix. I was actually talking about Case and Atticus,” he looks at me, “they’re power combined with ours would be an overkill, but I’d rather be over prepared than under.”
I open my mouth to agree, but Knix pipes up again, eagerness coating her words, “But I’ve done a lot of research these past few days. I know the different markings of a Witch using manipulation spells such as the beasts you fought with on the road. I know the jewelry the victims wear—”
Roman cut off her fast-paced words, “Okay, you may come with us as well. Your brother may not make the cut for the MC but you little Knix, are worthy of a leather cut.”
“Thanks Alpha,” Knix bounces in her seat and smiles so big you can see her fangs elongate with her excitement.
Knox and I both look at Roman with grins on our faces. Knix is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. She's tiny and beautiful but she’s also intelligent and loud. The way she becomes excitable and gestures wildly with her hands as she speaks makes her larger than life.
“Finish eating. We’ll go visit your sister after church,” Roman tells me before dropping a kiss to my cheek, “Don’t do anything reckless.”
I huff out a laugh as I watch him go. His powerful body flexing with each step has my heart pounding in rhythm.
But then CP breaks my spell when she steps in front of me with a nasty sneer on her face, “You know he’ll grow tired of your pussy soon and guess who he’ll turn to?”
“His fist?” I ask with mock innocence on my face, “Surely you don’t think he’d turn to you, Cavernous Pussy.”
“Oh, trust me sweetheart, if you are out of the picture, he’ll most definitely come to me…and in me.”
“Good God, woman. You are just one disgusting girl, aren’t you?” Knox asks as he leans away from her.
“Dude, have some self-respect. It’s sexier than the floozy vibe you got going.” Knix says with an eye roll.
I am struggling to form words after hearing hers. I mean, don’t get me wrong, having your man fill you with his seed is sexy as hell and intimate as fuck, but that’s between couples, not club whore and random man dicking her. That’s just nasty.
“How about you two mutated mutts—” I’m up and out of my seat before she can finish her derogative fucking words to my friends.