Page 51 of Raiding Road
I can feel my wolf growling inside me, scratching the surface to be released and tear the Witch to pieces, but I hold him back just barely, “She thinks she can make decisions for this pack? She will answer for her actions, for riling up our people against our mates. What did you say to her, Atticus?”
Atticus’ eyes flare, “What do you think I told her, brother? I banned her from the grounds and had Case escort her home. She is to stay in her father’s home until we give her an audience with us. Despite her stupidity tonight, Sara has never shown anything but loyalty. We’d do well to remember that.”
Jaz pulls free of my grip, her palms going to the sides of her head as she paces once more, “I can’t help but feel like she has you all fooled. Even before tonight, I’ve never felt right around her and I just know she’s somehow linked to this hexing,” she stops and searches my eyes, looking for my disagreement but she won’t find it. Not that I feel Sara is innocent, but I have no proof otherwise. Her words to Atticus are infuriating, but they could simply be words said in protection of the pack.
Whatever Jaz sees in my eyes prompts her to continue, “The lapse in my memory, there's something significant there breaking free. Sara I—I think she stopped me before I went inside to find Zatrina. She said something that angered me. She's always given me a bad vibe, but everyone fucking loves her. She has a place here, history and friendships, things I don't have, so I never said anything. I think—I think she's the one who did this to me. It’s like a flighty dream, every time I have the grasp on the memory, it slips free but it’s there again when I think of that creepy Witch."
My head says no, but my soul says yes. Sara has been with us since she was a baby. Her mother and father joined us not long after she was born, and they have never given us any reason to distrust them. If she decided to do anything against us, we’d never suspect her. Maybe she is the one who hexed my mate.
"There's only one way to find out. Keep a close eye on my sister; if this is the type of hex it smells like, she can easily attack again."
"Why would she attack again?" Atticus asks, his hand gripping her bicep as he turns her to him. It's interesting to watch these two hotheads interact.
“Because the scent tells me she’s been spelled with servitutem,”servitude, “it allows the caster to control the primal emotions of a person. In Werewolves, it’s even more potent since our emotions are already heightened as it is. Love can become a deadly obsession. Sadness can become a bottomless hole. Anger can turn to uncontrollable rage.”
“How do we find out if it was Sara who did this? Maybe the caster is covering their trail by making me see her as the enemy.” Jaz says with hesitation, worried assumptions will make things worse.
“Simple, just ask her,” Zatrina winks before turning around, “Do you guys have Fairies in your pack? We needbaccarandveritas verum.”
“Yes, we have a recluse who is a Naturae Fairy.”NatureFairy. As with all Fairies, she controls the elements, but she and her family are best with plants.
“What are you gonna do, hand her a bouquet and ask her nicely to tell the truth?” Jaz asks as we take off after her sister with Atticus at our backs.
“Smartass,” Zatrina says over her shoulder, making Jaz chuckle. Maybe having her sister here isn’t so bad, especially if she can make my mate smile even in the midst of overwhelming chaos.
“The flowers are used to help humans with anxiety and relaxation,” I tell her, “But for a supernatural with the right knowledge—”
“It can be mixed into a liquid and used as a sort of truth serum.” Atticus finishes with a growl. It’s what we used to find out the truth about the wolf who was pretending to be his mate. It's unfortunate and shitty, but because of that, we now know a less brutal way of getting the truth from someone.
“How do you plan to give it to her? It’s not like we can just walk up all willy nilly and say,‘hey witchface, drink this,’she’ll know something’s up.”
“Do you have no end to your sarcasm?” Atticus huffs like an asshole, “I’ll shove it down her throat if I have to.”
Jaz bites her lips at his words, and I can’t help the laughter that spills from me when Zatrina stops dead in her tracks, “You really need to work on your word choice there, buddy. Maybe switch up the words, perhaps substitute some. The visual you just gave me makes me want to rip her throat out without getting our answers first.”
Jaz and I walk around Zatrina, letting her and Atticus come face to face.
“Don’t go showing attachment, incantatrix,”enchantress, “you and me ain’t happening.”
Oh, they are so happening.Jaz’s amused voice echoes in my head.
Care to place a bet?
Jaz grins wide,are you sure you wanna play that game with me again?
My smirk disappears at her reminder that our last bet didn’t go as I planned.