Page 66 of Raiding Road
“That’s why my hellfire didn’t hurt them.” The grinning brother says to himself.
“You used hellfire on them?!” Knix and Knox both hiss in anger.
“Calm down,mutts, it didn’t do anything.” He growls back as Jaz, and I stand up, ready to bash his fucking face in for disrespecting my people, but the black and white hair sister speaks up.
“Outside, now, Drac! You’ve disrespected the hosts of this home and if Roxy were here, she’d be—”
Drac shoots up, his chair flying against the wall in his anger, “But she’s not here, Ronny! And instead of doing everything you fucking can to get her back, we’re here on a fucking errand! If she dies, I will come back here and slaughter every motherfucker who held us up from getting her back!”
The Cutthroat side of the table erupts at his blatant threat. All of us shifting to our Alpha forms, our luminescent wolves on full display ready to protect us against the hellfire, while the K twins burst from their clothes, their grey wolves towering above the tabletop.
Jaz jumps over the table, using her speed to catch the fucker unaware, but he’s not alone. Ronny quickly reaches over, laying a hand to his chest and they both disappear.
“Forgive him, please. He’s stupid and hurting right now,” Rory’s voice cracks as she looks to the two remaining men who I notice didn’t even move to protect their brother.
As if reading my thoughts, the stone face brother speaks up, “His mate, Roxy Crow, was kidnapped. It’s his story to tell, and it’s no excuse for the foolish words he just spewed, but I think hewantedan ass beating. He wanted someone to hurt him, so he’d feel something other than the pain of separation.”
“Draven is right, that is why we didn’t step in. Physical pain numbs heart pain. Forgive him, he’d never do what he said he would. My brother is many things, a malicious murderer he is not.”
I look down at Jaz, the memory of watching her run away from me, I can’t even begin to fathom the pain this idiot is going through.
“Vae qui possit vivere mille corde dolet, et non inveniam in pace quietam mortis,” I tell them the Latin phrase known in our world, “Woe is he who lives a thousand heart aches, and never finds the quiet peace of death.”
“All is forgiven,” Jaz says as we all take a seat once more. Knix and Knox stay in their wolf form while Jaz recounts everything from her time in Raider Pack to now, including Zatrina’s cowardly betrayal. The Crow sister and the two Hound brothers listen quietly, asking quick confirmation questions once in a while.
At the end of the telling, the three of them nod, “The True Witch, Elsie Hound, can provide you all the help you need, but as Drac pointed out, my younger sister is in desperate need of us. At the moment, Elsie is working on getting her back from the humans.”
“It’s not my place to ask, and you don’t have to answer, but if it’s humans who have her… why can’t you just get her back?”
Rory sighs, “It’s a valid question and the answer is simple,technology. Not all humans know about us, but the ones who do have developed weapons that can trap a Supernatural. Like silver for Werewolves, thispower-dampeningdevice has not only blocked our mental link to Roxy, but it has also kept her from fighting her own way out. One of our sources inside has told us it basically makes her human. There are other supernaturals in there as well, but we aren’t sure if the device affects them in the same ways.”
Fucking hell.
We all stay quiet a moment, absorbing the hell this family is going through.
“Listen, I know we got off to a shit start, but we really do appreciate any and all information the True Witch can give us. I have my own sisters to find as well so Elsie’s knowledge would be valuable to us. In the meantime, you all can stay here for however long you need. We have a party going on tonight and it looks like you guys could use a distraction.” Jaz says kindly.
“We appreciate the gesture, but we do need to be heading back,” Rory says before looking to Atticus, “I will clear the wolf’s name from the wanted ledger and when the time comes, I expect your help in return, Cut.”
“You got it, Crow.” I say for my silent brooding brother before shaking hands with the Vamp.
“Alphas, it was a pleasure to meet you. I will send you all the information we have on the Dark Bloods and any guidance Elsie can provide. I will also send you any documentation the Elders have on the Ancient Prophecy.”
As Rory reaches her hands out to grasp both brothers, but I stop them, “If there are other Supernaturals held captive with your sister, perhaps they can fight their way out together.”
Rory nods, but I know she’s already thought of this, “Maybe, but she is theRiver Crow.The fear she’s struck these humans with has made her a target. She’s been hunted more than others, and the bastards holding her are not stupid, they will have contingencies in place. We just have to find a way through them.”
I nod, completely understanding her strategic mind, “If there is anything Cutthroat can do to get your sister back, call on us. We will be there without question.”
A tear slips down Rory’s cheek, “Luna, ut luceant super te, Alpha.”May the moon shine on you, Alpha.She whispers before vanishing.
After a moment, I turn to the K twins, “I want to know the minute you receive the information from the Crow sisters. For now, we have a gathering to get to.”
Everyone leaves the room, following the scent of barbeque grills. Jaz goes to follow but I stop her, pulling her to my chest and crushing my lips down on hers.
I lick the seam of her lips, groaning when she opens, allowing our tongues to meet in a dance of dominance. Dandelions invade my senses as I grip the back of her thighs and wrap her legs around my waist.
“Not that I’m complaining,” Jaz breathes as I nip her earlobe while grinding my aching cock against her core, “but what brought this on?”