Page 69 of Raiding Road
I walk behind her, letting her take the lead on this because as a dominant wolf, you have to be strong enough to face trouble head on. She needs to show these people that she will not be dominated by the mob mentality. Of course, no one in my pack would dare to mob against my mate, but she needs prove her leadership to my people so that they become her people as well.
“Hello, Cutthroat,” Jaz says into the mic, her eyes sliding over the hundreds of people in the crowd, “I intended to introduce myself during the last party, but there was an interruption—”
“Interruption? Is that what you call it? You almost killed me, bitch!” Loanie screeches from the crowd.
People move out of the way, allowing Jaz to see the woman’s crazed look. If she were a human, I’m sure she’d be badly bruised or possibly dead, as it is, you’d never know she was a broken body in the healer’s office just days ago.
Knix and Knox both snarl, moving to put the ballsy broad in her place, but I hold up my hand, stopping their murderous advance and tic my chin in Jaz’s direction.
“She needs to handle this as an Alpha would. Standing up for her makes her look weak.”
The K twins stay beside Atticus and me, but Knox let’s off a loud warning in the form of a growl.
Loanie glances nervously at him but Jaz’s voice rings out, snagging everyone’s attention.
“You’re right, I gave you an ass kicking that was practically deserved. You’ve stepped out of line more than once, and my leniency toward you gave you courage to continue it. I will say though, that the brutality I delivered was not entirely my choice. What happened that night started many years ago. The Sara you all knew as a child was not the Sara you knew as a young adult. She was lost to Cutthroat many years ago when she mistakenly sought the counsel of fellow Witches outside of your lands. The Coven of Nine hijacked her body in order to get closer to the Sons of the Ancients, your Alphas.”
“What the fuck does this have to do with your treatment of me?”
“Shut the fuck up, Loanie. Now!” I yell, fully done with the bitch’s voice. She drops her head and loses her bravado in an instant. Dammit, when this is all over, she will be leaving my lands. She is untrustworthy and stinks of trouble.
Jaz continues as if there was no interruption at all, “The reason this particular coven wanted to get into your pack lands is because they want to stop the Ancient Prophecy from happening.”
Murmurs go around at that, some asking what that means and others asking what the Prophecy is.
“Werewolves are a created race, meaning we were not naturally born with our souls half wolf. Witches are the cause of our race after a petty feud broke out in ancient Russia. A human family of three men and their wives had a dispute with the local Witches who cursed the family, thus creating the first Werewolves. We know these original wolves as the Ancients.
As a consequence of using dark magic on humans, there was a Prophecy put in place. The Sons of the Ancients would rise again. They would find their true fated mates and their powers would combine. I, my sister Zatrina, and our third sister, are the true fated mates to the Sons of the Ancients,” Atticus shifts from foot to foot, growling at the mention of his fated mate, “once the six of us are fully mated to each other, this ultimate power of ours will a threat to the Witches, more specifically, the Coven of Nine. This is unconfirmed, but I believe their true intent is to harness the ancient power for themselves to create a super race of Witches. Before she arrived here, this coven captured my sister, Zatrina, in order to keep her from finding Alpha Atticus and sealing their power. They hunted me as I made my way here, and we believe they are after our other sister.”
“Where is Zatrina now?” Someone yells from the crowd.
Knix and Knox glance at one another before quickly looking away as Jaz answers,
“We do not know. She went missing the night Sara hexed me. She could have run to keep the pack safe, or she could have been taken by the Witches with the help of someone inside our pack.”
Gasps breaks out in the crowd, everyone talking over each other in their shock. All of them casts worried looks at my brothers and me while eyeing the Witches in our pack.
I jump up onto the stage and use my power to amplify my voice, “Do not pass hateful and judgmental fucking looks at any Cutthroat Witches. They are my pack too. They areourpack. You have heard this story, heard my true fated mate’s tale of how we came to be and the makings of the coming Prophecy, but let me be perfectly clear now. A split pack is a fallen pack. A broken pack is a dead pack. Our enemies do not stand beside you, so buckle the fuck up and stand united.”
Jaz pats my arm, a smile tugging at her lips as her mind links to mine.
Okay, Bloodreina, I got it from here.
At my confused looked, she full on gasps mockingly,you don’t know The 100? Ancients help you, my man.
“Alpha Roman is right, no one here is an enemy. The Witch inhabiting Sara’s body has been caught and we’re mostly leaning toward Zatrina running rather than being taken. Sara hexed me the other night which turned my dislike of Loanie into homicidal hatred. It is because of that hex that you all see me as unworthy to be a Cutthroat, but I ask of you now, allow me a trial. Allow me to prove myself. I may be Roman’s fated mate, but I will start by bringing down this threat. I will aid in ending the threat of the Coven of Nine. All I’m asking is for you to give me a chance to prove my loyalty.”
Knix and Knox both step forward, yelling in unison, “We agree!”
Jaz smiles at them, her eyes misting as she bows her head to them. When she looks back up, three quarters of the pack yell out the agreement.‘We agree’is said repeatedly until it finally quiets down.
“Thank you all, and for those of you who do not agree with this… I will prove myself to you. For now, let’s party!” Jaz hands the mic off to the singer of the local pack band as we walk off the stage.
People walk up to us, shaking her hand or bowing their heads, giving their thanks for promising herself to them and declaring them her people. I mentally note each person who shows her kindness and make plans to seek them out individually to offer them my gratitude. They are the epitome of what Cutthroat stands for.
Blow walks over with two red solo cups and hands one to Jaz before pulling out a dagger.