Page 59 of Jaded Princess
I crossed my arms, then re-crossed. “I…”
My radar couldn’t bethisoff. Even in the presence of a woman whose sense of the people around her rivaled mine, it wouldn’t neutralize my powers. Yet, Rada remained a mystery. One to watch.
“It’s Sax, isn’t it,” I said to her.
“You must admit, there’s something about him that is utterly feral.” She savored the last word. “And fascinating. I want that man, have wanted him for a long time.”
“And you consider me competition?”
She chuckled, a low, feminine sound, that had I been a man, I would have drifted forward. “Darling, no. We’re both aware that Sax chooses his women, whether or not he has one currently.”
Um, no. I didn’t know that. But my expression remained passive.
“In the end, I’m a supporter of women, especially those in this realm. We’re rare dolls, as players. The kind that not a lot of men can find easily on the market. I dare say,” she said while leaning to the side and topping off a second glass of champagne, “Sax might have a type. He always enjoyed the rare jewels.”
I wondered if Rada knew of Theo’s high school girlfriend, the one his father tortured in front of him until Theo agreed to do his bidding. The one he watched be mutilated, forever scarred, because of a father’s deeds he inherited as his own.
“As such, I feel it is my duty to say, be careful. You might not understand as much as you think,” she said.
“Is it all right if I take a shower first?” I asked, with as much composure as I could. The red dress still lay in a discarded pool on the floor of the closet, growing deeper creases the longer it lingered. Rada maintained the power, but I could control time, and the faster I was primped, the more I could allocate to Rada and understanding the duke, the members, the cameras.
As for bedding Theo … well, I wished Rada the best of luck with that.
“You may use the guest quarters down the hall, in the secondary wing to the house.” Rada set the champagne bottle down with an audibleclink.
Something I said—or didn’t say—rattled her. Pissed her off. Perhaps it was in my facial tics, the utter disgust I had, but whatever the reason, I was not to be allowed to use her en suite bathroom.
“Sure. Thanks,” I said, then sprinted out of there.
As I rounded a corner, Theo was in the hallway, commiserating with the butler he’d had run an errand a little while ago. The instant the butler saw me, he said some last words to Theo, then disappeared around the bend.
Something seemed off—in the slant of Theo’s shoulders, the drooping of his eyes, how he shifted his weight.
“What’s up?” I asked.
Theo turned to face me, and I noticed a white pharmacy bag in his hand.
“Did you need ibuprofen?” I asked.
Fine. Wasn’t my business. “I need to take a shower, so I”—we were back in the car, me riding him, his breath hot on my neck, his dick hard inside me—“um, I’d like to freshen up, so if you could please move aside…”
“It’s for you.” Theo lifted the bag he held with two fingers.
“Me? Why…”
With his free hand, Theo pulled out his phone. A few taps later, he turned the screen toward me. “You’ve made the news.”